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Different Shipping Calcs for Different Products?


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I'm just starting to evaluate different e-commerce packages to determine which one I want to use for a new 'store'.


Is it possible in OS Commerce to set up different shipping calculations for different products? I have some products that need to have shipping costs added based on the weight of the products, either using 'realtime' UPS rates or a 'table' of rates, based on weight ranges (and possibly, some products would use one method while other products would use the other method). And I have some products that need to have shipping costs added based on a 'flat rate, per item' basis. Can OS Commerce handle both of these? Is it possible to specify which 'method' of shipping cost calculation is done, for each specific product in the 'store'?



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Does no one no the answer to this question?


I just need to know if the shipping costs for diffferent products can be calculated differently. In other words, can one product be set up for 'flat rate, per item' shipping costs, while another product can be set up for 'weight'-based shipping costs?



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In playing around with osCommerce, I see where a customer can select the type of shipping that he/she wants, from whatever shipping 'methods' are 'enabled', when they place their order.


Is it possible to 'limit' the shipping 'methods' that are displayed, based on the specific products that are ordered? Or would this require some 'custom' programming?



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Is it possible to 'limit' the shipping 'methods' that are displayed, based on the specific products that are ordered? Or would this require some 'custom' programming?
As far as I know the osC code that would require custom programming.

The checkout_shipping page gets it's enabled shipping methods from a database query. I guess it is not hard to add some logic before it to enable other methods to be used depending on the product(s).

To my knowledge it would be hard to pick apart the shopping cart and give different shipping methods for one part of the products and show different shipping methods for another product (say truck shipping for a real heavy product) and UPS/FedEx for the other products. For the checkout_shipping page it might be possible to do, but I think the rest of the code is not made for this kind of choosing shipping.


But perhaps others have a different opinion?

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