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Warning: Missing argument in general.php


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Version 2.2 MS2


In the admin Configuration, My Store I get the following:


Warning: Missing argument 2 for tep_get_zone_name() in /home/xxxx/xxxxx/catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 270


Warning: Missing argument 3 for tep_get_zone_name() in /home/xxxx/xxxx/catalog/admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 270



I can see nothing wrong in the code. I even installed a new copy of general.php, same warning.


I have looked at the Zones table and can not find a problem there.


When I Edit the Zone, the pull down has all the states listed, when I select my state it does not appear in the Value column as it is supposed to. All the other My Store settings seem to work fine.


Any ideas?

Rik Rasmussen

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I dropped the zones table and copied the zones table from my other installation (2.2 CVS) that is working correctly and I still get the warning.


So, if it isn't the general.php file, and it isn't the table, what is left?

Rik Rasmussen

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I have concluded that this error is somehow caused by importing data from an old database to a new database. I never found a way to undo the error.


I have deleted the entire installation and started over from scratch.

Rik Rasmussen

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