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404 error


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I am getting a 404 error after placing an order and being directed to checkout_success.php. My orders are being placed sucessfully, and as far as I can tell, nothing else is wrong.


I am wondering if it might be related to my shared SSL that I just installed, but I'm not sure because I never tried checking out before I installed it.


Could the solution be found in includes/configure.php or checkout_success.php?


Does anyone know where I need to start looking to fix the problem?

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To test is without using your shared cert just go to your includes/configure.php file and set the ssl define to false. You can leave all the other ssl info as it will just be ignored. If it works without the ssl then that is probably the problem and you need to check your paths if you still have a problem then you can go from there. I woul try and get it working without the ssl first then turn it back on.

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BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??

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Make the edit shown here (the change to tep_redirect) - does that help?


Do you get the 404 when trying to display checkout_success or is it when the customer clicks Continue on that page?

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I WAS getting the error when you clicked "continue" on the checkout page, but thanks to you, I fixed the problem.


Once again you saved my ass stevel.

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