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whos_online.MYI errors not going away!


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I have an error message that wont go away..


Something similar to:


1016 - Can't open file: 'whos_online.MYI'. (errno: 145)


delete from whos_online where time_last_click < '1103759880'






I repair the database and even empty the whos_online table and sessions etc but still it comes back after about 24 hours or so! Sometimes 48. Means I'm constantly having to check my site for this error and I can't do it 24 hours. Its been going on for a month now and I see some people are having a similar problem. Could it be that there is a bug somewhere....? :blink:




I can't see why this would be happening unless there is a problem on my hosts server... but I doubt it as they are usually pretty good.


Its finally getting to me! :angry:

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If your server is running a verson of mysql > v4.0 then ask your host to add the --myisam-recover = force option to their my.cfg file and that should resolve the problem for you.


If your server is running a version of mysql < 4.0 ask your host to upgrade.

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