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prices show 0 dollars HELP PLEASE!


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alright my webpage shows 0 dollars for everything www.johnnyzmodz.com and on the side where it says currency it shows U.S and when u change that currency to canadian then it shows the prices.. then when you switch it back to u.s it shows the u.s prices but not when the page first loads?? any ideas? i want canadian to be the default currency too.. someone help because my website is unusable until i fix this problem. THANX!

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Okay, when you set up your site US Dollars was the default currency. Have you changed this without clicking the 'Update' link in Currencies?


As you have US Dollars as the default currency in your control panel, do you have it as the default in your includes/languages/english.php file? It should read 'USD'


If you want Canadian Dollars as your default currency then make it so in your control panel, update currencies (so that canadian dollars is 1.0 against whatever the us dollar rate to the canadian dollar is), and then make sure that in includes/languages/english.php that the default currency is set to 'CAN' (I think this is the three letter code for canadian dollars).



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alright i clicked update and it says primary sever failed or whatever.. then it says trying secondary server.. secondary server failed... are you sure USD and CAD is a valid currency code??


i dont get this because it is the valid currency code... please help!

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I just checked, and CAD is the valid currency code for Canadian Dollars. Seems like you have a problem connecting to the two sites for updating currencies. The first is OANDA, and can't remember what the second one is. Do a search on these forums for '+connect+oanda'



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but even so why are the prices only showing 0 dollars for all the products unless you chose a category? its like its not going to a default category, even tho on the right hand side usd is selected default the prices are 0 until you pick CAD or USD again

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I don't know if it will do anything, but as your layout is not the std osCommerce layout (nice website though, looks good), your form named 'currencies' has the language field name in the same form. The languages only usually need to be a link and not part of a form submision. So, try taking the field named 'language' out of the form named 'currencies'. From memory, these are somewhat linked, especially if you have the admin setting to state 'change to default currency when language selected' or something like that ??


In summary, it currently needs that form submission for prices to show.



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I don't know if it will do anything, but as your layout is not the std osCommerce layout (nice website though, looks good), your form named 'currencies' has the language field name in the same form. The languages only usually need to be a link and not part of a form submision. So, try taking the field named 'language' out of the form named 'currencies'. From memory, these are somewhat linked, especially if you have the admin setting to state 'change to default currency when language selected' or something like that ??


In summary, it currently needs that form submission for prices to show.




I am in Canadian and had a problem with OANDA. I found the CND did NOT work but Can$ DID. OANDA returned a value of $1.00 so I just changed it to 1.235 ( my site will have US$ as the default( but you can make Can$=1.00 and US$=0.84)

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alright i need the post before the last one explained to me in english thanks tho.. atleast someones trying to help me.. i didn't do the site i paid some kid to do it and then all these problems are happening so he just ran away.. so im trying to fix it.. so can that be explained exactly what i have to do?? thankyou,



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well i think someone on here was somehow playing with my website because now its wide like it should be but my themes are gone.. i dont know how anyone did this but whoevers changing it go ahead :) as long as the theme works afterwords.. thankyou

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You have to get your 'admin' folder both renamed and password protected immediately. If you then want to give one person access to it to help you that's fine - but at the mo' anyone can go in there and trash it. And, unfortunately, even on these forums, there are idiots who will do that.



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alright, because it looks like someone went in there and "trashed" it.. but atleast i have a backup... i just wish i could get this site working proper!


alright i just looked but i cant find any place to put a password in... also whoever went in there just changed the theme :).. but i need to figure out how to put a password and get the currencys working

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As Vger pointed out, rename the folder admin to something else for a start. You need two files to password protect the 'admin' path. Use this tool at:




and enter something like:


Username: mickey

Password: mouse

Path: /somewhere


hit the 'generate .htaccess' button, and the 2 files are there for you to copy and use. Of course, in the above example, use the real password that you intend to use, but leave the username and path as is, you can change those manually later.


Both files go in your 'admin' path. For added security, you can rename the file .htpasswd to something else, beginning with a period, but make sure you also change the name in the .htaccess file.


You can also place the 'password file' outside of your web root path, for added security, however any decent server setup will have the security in place, so that no one can read any file beginning with a period from a browser.





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As Peter has said, you can protect it via .htaccess, but if you don't know much about that side of things there may be an easier way. First of all, just FTP to your website, select the 'admin' folder and click on 'Rename' and change the name to something else. Then, go into admin/includes/ and download configure.php and edit it in a plain text editor (Notepad), and where you see file pathway references to /admin/ change these to /newname/


After you have uploaded that file back to the admin/includes/ folder then go to your web hosting control panel, and look for a feature called Password Protect or Protect Directories. Search for the new 'admin' folder and click to protect it, selecting a User Name and Password. Doing it this way it will set up the .htaccess and 'htpassword files for you correctly.



alright, because it looks like someone went in there and "trashed" it.. but atleast i have a backup... i just wish i could get this site working proper!


alright i just looked but i cant find any place to put a password in... also whoever went in there just changed the theme :).. but i need to figure out how to put a password and get the currencys working

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It appears that you have a problem with the function get_browser_language() - this can be found in catalog/includes/classes/language.php - try replacing this file if you have modified it and check for the following function call in /includes/application_top.php:


    include(DIR_WS_CLASSES . 'language.php');
   $lng = new language();

   if (isset($HTTP_GET_VARS['language']) && tep_not_null($HTTP_GET_VARS['language'])) {
   } else {

   $language = $lng->language['directory'];
   $languages_id = $lng->language['id'];



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