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Easypopulate is not populating


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I am new to OSCommerce, Easypopulate and this forum, so bear with me.


I have just gone over to OSCommerce and needed an easy way to populate the SQL database as I have an existing database already, so I decided to use easypopulate.


I followed the instructions, installed the php files into the correct location, edited the temp directory to the one I use.


To save any problems, I used Easypopulate to download the test data from the stock data already in SQL. Once I had downloaded the file to my pc, I opened it in excel, tab delimited, and then added one line, making sure to add a product code, and essentially copying the format as the test products. I then saved this as a tab delimited .txt file.


Next, I browsed for the file using Easypopulate and then executed the button which inserts the file into the dbase. There were no errors, it appeared to have uploaded correctly.


I looked in the products section of Admin and no products had been uploaded. I have subsequently checked the temp file, the files have been uploaded there, and I have made sure I CHMOD 777 the directory (as I had to create it). Also, when I download the data from the database using EP and then open in excel, it cannot be loaded as a delimted file as there are no seperators.


Is there something I am missing, or something I am doing wrong, please help I am pulling my hair out! :angry:



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here is where you should be posting your question:


each and every contribution has their own support thread in the contribution support area of the forum.

now for what you are seeing, you said you subsequently checked the temp file, the files have been upoloaded there. if you clicked on browse to upload from your own pc, easypopulate will not place files in the temp directory.

opening the file in excel, should be no problem. the separators are tabs, meaning they are 'spaced' apart for between fields.

what is your temp file path, and are you using your store as http://domain.com or http://domain.com/catalog

in the admin area of the store, go to tools, file manager, and click your way into the admin area. near the top of the page, you will see your actual path, copy and paste that with your answer.


post all your answers at the end of the easypopulate support thread

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