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The e-commerce.

MSSQL (Microsoft SQL Server) integration ???


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Did someone already translate all queries so that they will work for MS SQL Server ?

(I love 2 get the link to those files...)




is there any software that can get what PHP send and send it back translated to MS SQL Server instead of MySQL ?

Thank you for reading

Best Regards - Yovav Gad

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no and no.


the requirements are stated in the knowledge base.


Don't U think it can B a great idea to separate the database layer from the application ?

it seems like a lot of work... anyway, it also seems like a very nice commerce app :-)


Do U know anything like this that can support MS SQL Server ?

Thank you for reading

Best Regards - Yovav Gad

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MySQL is open source and free to use. MS SQL is Microsoft, not open source, and most people have to pay a small fortune to use it. In short there's no real demand from most people to adapt this for use with MS SQL.



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