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The e-commerce.

Credit Card Security Code


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I need help from anyone that can tell me how to add a place to the ordering screen for the customer to enter their 3 digit security code from the back of their credit card. More and more of the companies that administer the credit cards are calling for this code when the card is not present as an additional security. To my knowledge there is not such an area on the osCommerce program. Can it be added by me and if so HOW. Any suggestions would be helpful

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There is a program that ca nbe added. I saw it a few months ago. Just thought I d let you know.

I need help from anyone that can tell me how to add a place to the ordering screen for the customer to enter their 3 digit security code from the back of their credit card.  More and more of the companies that administer the credit cards are calling for this code when the card is not present as an additional security.  To my knowledge there is not such an area on the osCommerce program.  Can it be added by me and if so HOW.  Any suggestions would be helpful

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  • 1 year later...
Search for cvv or cvv2 in the contributions.






Hello I just installed this contribution and I get the following text displaying in the checkout are with the credit card info



this pushes the top of the store over and messes up the page a bit.

Should it say this??

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  • 2 years later...
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  • 1 month later...

There doesn't seem to be a resolution of this question. Talk of cvv means nothing to me. Can anyone say in plain English why there isn't a place to enter the three digit code from the back of credit cards as all other commerce sites have, and how one creates it in the payments page?

To have to call or email each customer for each transaction is clearly a major hassle only likely to get worse as a site gets busier, surely there's a way round this?

Thanks for any help.

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There doesn't seem to be a resolution of this question. Talk of cvv means nothing to me. Can anyone say in plain English why there isn't a place to enter the three digit code from the back of credit cards as all other commerce sites have, and how one creates it in the payments page?

To have to call or email each customer for each transaction is clearly a major hassle only likely to get worse as a site gets busier, surely there's a way round this?

Thanks for any help.

CVV is the 3 or 4 digit code at the back of the code. Why it hasn't been "solved" - see the post above yours.

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There doesn't seem to be a resolution of this question. Talk of cvv means nothing to me. Can anyone say in plain English why there isn't a place to enter the three digit code from the back of credit cards as all other commerce sites have, and how one creates it in the payments page?

To have to call or email each customer for each transaction is clearly a major hassle only likely to get worse as a site gets busier, surely there's a way round this?

Thanks for any help.


CVV/CVV2 is the 3 digit code on the back of the credit card, and this information you are not alowed to save in a online shop...thats why its not in the standard cc module.


The websites which use CVV/CVV2 authorization correctly do not store the info at all, They use an online payment gateway which validates the CVV/CVV2 info in realtime and then store the returned cc payment code autorization number and not the CVV/CVV2 number.


Storing the CVV number in any form is not alowed. You can not store it in the db and you can not circumvent that by sending it by email eighter.



To repeat you can not store CVV number in an online shop for later offline processing at all.

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