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Help - Loosing Modules !!!


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We have just discovered a problem with our Site, www.ceedeez.co.nz, which seems to have just happened for no reason.


Every time we go into the Admin application it clears the payment, shipping and order total configue values in the Configuration table.


Obviously that is a major problem for our Site, and we are having trouble finding out what is causing it.


Has anyone had this problem before?


Thank-you so much!

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It is just possible, if you're on a shared server, and you are using files to store session data and to cache files (inlcuding modules) that you are getting crossover to some other osCommerce site on the same server that does not have these modules set up.


In your Control Panel turn off caching, and on the last line of both your configure.php files change it to read like so


define('STORE_SESSIONS', 'mysql');


See if this helps



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