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Banner Managment


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>_< I cannot seem to add any banners to my site. I input the banner info however I get this message when I am done.


Error: graphs directory is not writable.


What can I do? I want to add multiple banners to my site.



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I am not to sure what that means. I am new.

I am able to input all the info for the banner and it accepts it in the admin, but does not show up at the bottom of my site when I check on the home page.

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Ok, are you still getting the 'Error: graphs directory is not writable.' error?


If so, then you need to use your FTP Client, or your Admin Panel for your hosting and find the graphs folder and CHMOD (change permissions) to allow it to be written to. 777 allows full access, though I don't know the optimal value for security means.


I wish I could explain it better than that.


If that error is not showing up and it is a default installation of OSC, then I am even more clueless as to why the banners are not showing up.

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from your host cpanel file manager, navigate to the store location, then admin/images

click on graphs

change file permissions to 777 from the upper right menu

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I'm having same problems. I went in, put 777 in and click change. It won't change it.


does image and all of them have to change to 777 too?


I'm new too :-"


what does all these permission numbers mean?



One other, i have 9 box's, when change 777, do you check them all?

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Glad to hear I am not the only one. I am still not sure why the permissions won't change.


Also, I cannot answer your question " what do all these permission number mean?" I wish I knew, but I dont. I do however know you have to set the permissions in order to do a lot of things on the site.


I also have 9 box's but I only changed the bottom 3 to 777 I did not want to mess anything up by changing to much. If you find out how to solve the prob Pleasssse let me know.



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