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The e-commerce.

Pricing Question for all items


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I was wondering, if there is a way or contribution, to change the price of all my products to a different price. my items all have the same flat rate price of 5.99 there are about 340 items, i would like to change them all to 4.95, any idea how I could do it.


Thanks in advance!

~ Jessie

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I was wondering, if there is a way or contribution, to change the price of all my products to a different price. my items all have the same flat rate price of 5.99 there are about 340 items, i would like to change them all to 4.95, any idea how I could do it.


Thanks in advance!

~ Jessie



Backup your database first!!!!!!


In phpmyadmin try the following sql



UPDATE `products` SET `products_price` = '4.95',

`products_last_modified` = NULL ,

`products_date_available` = NULL ;

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BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP!!! You did backup, right??

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The easypopulate contrib could be used to download all of the products, update the prices, and reupload. Also, there's an EZ price updater contrib.



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