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Another Question about SSL?


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  define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://www.*****.com'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers
 define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', 'http://www.******.com');
 define('HTTPS_CATALOG_SERVER', 'https://secure1.hostsave.com');

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ok when it ask for me to put the infomation in.. And now i am looking at the Config.. It doesn't look the same...


just change the URL of any page which requires encryption to: https://secure1.hostsave.com/ssl/username of account/securepage.html, replacing "username of account" with your account's main username (no spaces please) and "securepage.html" with the name of the page to be encrypted.


If you need to make secure links to images within your secure page, you would use: https://secure1.hostsave.com/ssl/username of account/foldername/filename, where "username of account" is your main account username, "foldername" is a folder on your account if the file is within a subfolder of your "web" directory, and "filename" is the complete filename of the image.


Thats what my Hosting said to put in there.

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you have ssl installed? could be something is not in the ssl, that it is being called up 'staticlly', ie http:// instead of https://


http://server is to be https://


and it works, on every single one i have completed.

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Yes i am just making sure, but it doesn't work.. I still have the "You are not protected by a SSL"


This is what my Config PHP file looks like now


  define('HTTP_SERVER', 'https://'); // eg, http://localhost - should not be empty for productive servers
 define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', 'http://www.*************.com');
 define('HTTPS_CATALOG_SERVER', 'https://secure1.hostsave.com');
 define('ENABLE_SSL_CATALOG', 'true'); // secure webserver for catalog module
 define('DIR_FS_DOCUMENT_ROOT', '/nfs/cust/2/05/84/548502/web/catalog/'); // where the pages are located on the server
 define('DIR_WS_ADMIN', '/catalog/admin/'); // absolute path required
 define('DIR_FS_ADMIN', '/nfs/cust/2/05/84/548502/web/catalog/admin/'); // absolute pate required
 define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', '/catalog/'); // absolute path required
 define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/nfs/cust/2/05/84/548502/web/catalog/'); // absolute path required



And this is what my Host said to put in there for the SSL Connection


As a service to our customers, all HostSave accounts have access to the shared SSL server for free. Using shared SSL couldn't be simpler - just change the URL of any page which requires encryption to: https://secure1.hostsave.com/ssl/username of account/securepage.html, replacing "username of account" with your account's main username (no spaces please) and "securepage.html" with the name of the page to be encrypted.


If you need to make secure links to images within your secure page, you would use: https://secure1.hostsave.com/ssl/username of account/foldername/filename, where "username of account" is your main account username, "foldername" is a folder on your account if the file is within a subfolder of your "web" directory, and "filename" is the complete filename of the image.


And some how its not connecting.

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Ok thats is very very very very odd.. I went back to check out a item ( For kicks ). It went to the right URL with the SSL URL. But no Lock Icon on the bottom of the page of 128BIT but if you click there. It pops up with the Server Authentication Key and crap.. I guess it went through, but still on the Panel it doesn't show i am connected to one... So right now i feel so D*** Confuse!

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