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HSBC - I month later still not working


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I have tried in vain for a month now to get the HSBC script working.


I have installed the newest module but get the same error.


I have a few questions that may help me solve the problems.


When I get to the page before it goes to the HSBC payment site I can look at the source code and see the OrderHash which looks like this


OrderHash : FFsYUBJfyNji48+kHUz9RJX91Bo=


Then I have changed the return page to display a couple of variables to see what hash gets returned and I get something like this



$order_Hash : LgPxXmPHBxHOTt6/lD79AspCC10=

$hash : JueXgLCtcGrho0MsO5IEY51PyC0=

error code : 10



Now, I thought that the $order_hash string would be the same as the one sent in the form page. It appears that 3 hash codes have been generated and they are all different.


Where does the first one come from? ie OrderHash, and where does $order_hash come from.


I am assuming that $hash comes from the bank.


Its a bit confusing and I totally stuck. I will gladly pay someone to sort this out for me as I must be very close now. Or if anybody has a working HSBC and installed it themselves could they please pass on cleat instructions as to how they managed it.


Thanks in advance.

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