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Digital download with Paypal...I got mine working


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I have read a lot of postings about the problem with using the Digital Download controller with Paypal. I got mine working but I need to know if it's working as it is supposed to.


I'm using download controller 5.3 MS2.2 and I also could not get it to show the link upon returning from a successful Paypal transaction. I set the default order status to "processing" and then I got the link after Paypal. My problem then was that it was just a link to a 1k file. Even though it appeared the have the right name, it was just downloading the text of the link. I turned OFF download by redirect and it works now. osCommerce says to disable download by redirect if you are on a non-unix machine. I am on a unix machine but this is the only way it seems to work.


I hope this is helpful to people but what I want to know is if there is any reason NOT to do either of the things I've done. Should I NOT allow download if it is not done by redirect and should I NOT mark the order as "processing"?

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