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Problems with saving images


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When i add a new product and add a picture to it it wont display it. Only displays a box with red x in it. I have tried different images, but same problem appears allways.


I didnt had this problem before, dont know what went wrong. I havent added any contributions to my store in the last time...


Suddenly it wont show any picture with new added products....


How do i solve this ? Any tricks ?




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I'm having the same problem as fmunir, so maybe someone could kill two birds with one stone. When I upload images in the admin I get the error message:


Error: Catalog images directory is not writeable: /home/bestbuyw/public_html/catalog/images/


I haven't changed the directory priveleges, added any contribs, etc.


Anyone out there have any ideas?


Can I force the folder to be writeable??





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Are the images .jpg, .gif, .bmp?

Do you see the image after you click Preview in the product entry screen in admin?

Is your images directory writeable (777)?



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Yes the properties are 755/777, but same problem. After i have added the product it says "no picture"








Are the images .jpg, .gif, .bmp?

Do you see the image after you click Preview in the product entry screen in admin?

Is your images directory writeable (777)?



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I am also having this problem.

I have a few websites and I just instaled oscommerce 2.2MS2 via fantastico and all images show with red crosses in box.


The permissions set themselves as 600 for all new images uploaded which explains why the images don't show. All existing images are 755


I am puzzled as I tried this on a few of my websites which run under cpanel and installed fresh oscommerce installations and they do the same thing. Any new images set themselves with permsission of 600.


Any ideas on how to make the images automatically set themselves to 755.


I have a few sites running well with oscommerce 2.2 but not the current release.



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