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Checkout confirmation


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Hi, I'm an OSC Newbie, I made a dumb mistake by overwriting my checkout_confirmation.php in the catalog, now whenever I checkout I get wierd headings, Instead of product the window displayes HEADING_PRODUCT (TEXT_EDIT).. so it seems that the checkout page is now unconfigured..

Is there a way to restore back without doing a full reinstall?




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Thanks, I tried that but it doesn't work..


The headings all display like this:





Instead of just showing the headings as, for eg,


Delivery Adress:


I'll keep hacking away



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There are two checkout_confirmation.php files. One resides in the main catalog directory which is the main working document, and the heading texts are defined in the other which is located in the /includes/languages/[language]/ folder.


These are defined like:

define('HEADING_DELIVERY_ADDRESS', 'Delivery Address');


For example: if your language is english, it is the /includes/languages/english/checkout_confirmation.php file that is missing or wrong.


It might be best to locate the definition file within your original download .tar or .zip file and upload that to the appropriate language directory(s) - just as medvid advised with the other version.



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