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[support]?MultiGeoZone MultiTable Shipping Module


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After testing the latest version I find that if I have a item weight of 0.49 and a table of 0.5:$9.65,20:$11.40 the postage cost on checkout is $0.00 if I change the table 0.5 to say 0.2 the checkout postage is $9.65. Any idea's as I would have thought the table was based on up to the appropriate weight?



Try starting it with a ZERO weight....ie 0.0:$x.xx,0.5:$9.65,20:$11.40



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I've installed your excellent contribution but have a problem. I set up 2 zones, one for UK and one for ireland. The UK works as expected. My Irish zone doesn't show. I spotted the reason, I had set up in my tax zone for the UK 'Shp:UK' Ireland - All Zones. Also had this set-up in 'Shp:Ireland' So basically, I had Ireland - All Zones in both. Now, when I delete the Ireland Zone from 'Shp:UK' the shipping method shows as expected, hurrah. But, deducts the VAT, I set a flat rate of 10 to all orders based on a weight of 0, from the total. So, when I should have a total of say, £4.99 my total is £4.16. VAT is £0.83.


Any ideas as to how I can get this working properly?

Ah, the world wide web. What a wonderful place.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have installed this and it work great but when the email is sent to the user after order confirmation the 'MODULE_SHIPPING_MZMT_GEOZONE_1_TEXT_TITLE' dosn't add a Line Feed so the next item is on the same line. eg below note the GST is on the same line as the freight type???


Anyone know what part of the mzmt.php file I need to change to fix this?


Part of email sent to buyer:-







1 x DVD 1806 - 3GHz Reclocking SDI Distribution Amplifier (D VD 1806) = $633


Sub-Total: $633

Shipping within NSW (1 kg) (Standard Shipping): $11 GST 10.0%: $58 <------Note this should be on the next line????

Total: $644



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  • 2 weeks later...

i have install the US, Europe SQL files no problem. Now i am looking for additionalSQL files for the rest of the world (India, China, Australia etc)


any ideas where i would find any?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

i have a store using your plugin and my client want to know if you can use % in the table set up?


his question is as follows:


The variables isn't set to package weight, the table is for price (the table rate is set to price). For example, in my screenshot I have 30:5.99,60:7.99,100:10.99,10000:%12 that means...


$0-30 = $5.99

$30.01-60 = $7.99

$60.01-100 = $10.99


What I'm trying to do is set it so that an order that is over $100 has to pay 12% of the sub-total for shipping. Hence the 10000:%12. That doesn't work. It doesn't see or calculate the %12. What it does is when an order is placed that is over $100, it places a rate of $12 for shipping. That's not what we want. I'd like to know how I can make it so that it charges %12. That's how our agreement works with our supplier.



can you have a % or does it have to be a number only




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As far as I know this contribution doesn't support percentages just fixed amounts. If you're up to it I'm sure you could modify it do what you want though or you could always contact the original author for an estimate on the cost to do so....Josh has modified this contribution for me in the past.....dan

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  • 4 months later...

Bump -- still trying to figure this out... saw something similar for another contribution that went something like this:


// class methods

function quote($method = '') {

global $order, $cart, $shipping_weight, $shipping_num_boxes;

if($shipping_weight > 250)


$this->enabled = false;




but don't know how to apply this to MultiGeoZone


Any ideas?


Thank you!


Hi, did you somehow manage to get this extra option to work? I'm struggling with the same problem...


I use mzmt with 3 Geozones now and it works quite okay. The only thing is, I have a few items which would fit in a mail slot or box so I used weight to give those a lower shipping fee (for one Geozone now, the others are based on count). But, when it gets to the size of a proper package (weight above xxx) I would like to have only package shipment available. Is this possible??

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Yes, you can use the quoted code to disable the module for a weight higher than indicated (250 in the example). You would need another module to handle shipping above that weight, and you would add this to that other module:


if($shipping_weight <= 250) {
$this->enabled = false;


Change the 250 in each module to whatever weight you want.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have installed this contribution and I set up the geo zone 1 to price and added a shipping fee,

But when I go to the store in checkout it says MultiGeoZone MultiTable3 (3 lbs) and nothing elese, no price... ? And I set to price and it shows 3lbs? I tried to fix it multiple times but really don't know what it is.


Any ideas?

Edited by al3ks

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I have installed this contribution and I set up the geo zone 1 to price and added a shipping fee,

But when I go to the store in checkout it says MultiGeoZone MultiTable3 (3 lbs) and nothing elese, no price... ? And I set to price and it shows 3lbs? I tried to fix it multiple times but really don't know what it is.


Any ideas?

Do you have it configured so that it looks something like this?





Edited by Dan Cole
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Mine looks like this:




The thing is I want it to work by price. So depending what country the customer is from the shipping cost will be either smaller or higher.

Also I don't know how to add a geo zone to the list, how can I add UK?

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Mine looks like this:




The thing is I want it to work by price. So depending what country the customer is from the shipping cost will be either smaller or higher.

Also I don't know how to add a geo zone to the list, how can I add UK?


It needs to be set up under the tax zones....have a look at the instructions...it explains how to do that and I'm thinking it'll solve your problem.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks Chris but the problem persist.

I tried another value and same problem.




I am posting this for the sake of anyone who may not have found a solution for the error "#1062 - Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY". (Sorry if it's already been posted elsewhere.) This is what worked for me...


When importing the SQL script into osc 2.3.1 using phpMyAdmin, I got the error: "#1062 - Duplicate entry '0' for key 'PRIMARY". Amending the the script did not sort it out. Instead, I realised that I needed to UNCHECK the following in order for it to be imported sucessfully:

  • Do not use AUTO_INCREMENT for zero values

It seemed to work ok with the same database that I had attempted on before but to be on the safe side I renamed the database, created a new database for osc using the original database's name, and then imported the database structure and data from a backup copy (which I had made before attempting to install this mod). After testing and confirming that all was well, I deleted the database in which I had initially run the script.


Hope it helps someone.



Edited by jeannek
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello everyone! Have been reading this topic and got great help thanx!


I do have one question though, I am trying to calculate the cost per additional weight, have installed the latest update. Think its rather simple but I am just stack.


Up to 2kg the cost is 6.62, and for each extra kg is 2.07 more


I wrote this in Geozone field: 1:$6.62,1:2.07*


for a 4kg item I should get 10.76 instead I keep geting 6.62.


Any ideas???


Thanking in advance!

Edited by constantinos
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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

hello i have an installation of multi Geo Zones, When I checkout, it is calculating the weight properly, but is showing a zero value for shipping. I have checked the way the rates have been added in admin and it looks correct. also it shows another zone, very different of the custumer i'm using to make tests. I have already uploaded the SQL Files

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  • 4 weeks later...

constantinos - looks like need to make a code change to pick the correct token. (in bold)




function determineShipping($table_cost) {

global $shipping_num_boxes;


for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($table_cost); $i<$n; $i+=2) {

if ($this->order_total <= $table_cost[$i]) {

$shipping_factor = $table_cost[$i+1];

$previous_weight = $table_cost[$i-2];

$previous_cost = $table_cost[$i-1];

$current_weight = $table_cost[$i];



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done a debug on this with * function.. - [0.01:$0,0.5:$30,1:$40,1.5:10*]



for ($i=0, $n=sizeof($table_cost); $i<$n; $i+=2) {

if ($this->order_total <= $table_cost[$i]) {

$shipping_factor = $table_cost[$i+1];

$previous_weight = $table_cost[$i-2];

$previous_cost = $table_cost[$i-1];

$current_weight = $table_cost[$i];


echo "DEBUG[" . $shipping_factor . "]<br>";

if (strlen($shipping_factor) == 0) {


$shipping_factor = $table_cost[$n-1];

$previous_weight = $table_cost[$n-4];

$previous_cost = $table_cost[$n-3];

$current_weight = $table_cost[$n-2];



if (substr_count($shipping_factor, '%') > 0) {

$shipping = ((($this->order_total*10)/10)*((str_replace('%', '', $shipping_factor))/100));

} elseif (substr_count($shipping_factor, '*') > 0) {

$weight_measure = $current_weight - $previous_weight; //Find out how much is each additional factor eg. additional 0.5 lb or additional 1 lb

$add_cost = ceil((($this->order_total - $previous_weight)/$weight_measure)) * (str_replace('*', '', $shipping_factor)); //How many additional shipping cost

$shipping = str_replace('$', '', $previous_cost) + $add_cost;

} else {

$shipping = str_replace('$', '', $shipping_factor);


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