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Zone drop down list is empty


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Ok, My currency update problem is still not solved So i keep on looking for solutions.

Now when im looking in adminpanel -configuration-mystore-zone i see that the zone is empty.

And when i try to edit to set my zone, the drop down list is empty, its nothing there. Can that be the reason to my currency problem?

And how do i set up my zone? Should be sweden i guess. but how to get something to choose in the drop down list?


Best regards


It will probably be a new day tomorrow.

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Ok.. did that, just one, sweden, stockholm, stockholm. and now i could choose it in my store, zones. But it didnt help my currency update problem.

What does actually those zones do? what are they good for? calculating freight costs or?

It will probably be a new day tomorrow.

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Ok.. did that, just one, sweden, stockholm, stockholm. and now i could choose it in my store, zones. But it didnt help my currency update problem.

What does actually those zones do? what are they good for? calculating freight costs or?


zones: sweden, denmark etc.

taxzones: sweden, norway, EU, etc

subtaxzones in EU: sweden norway, denmark, etc


are used for/in: My Store AND shipping AND tax

"If you're working on something new, then you are necessarily an amateur."

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