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The e-commerce.

'Warning: No file uploaded.'

the chevalier tialys

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Thank you everyone/

I just learnt the same thing AZJ

I moved and now working fine.

After giving my designers hell i had to apologise as it WAS go daddy's fault. Oh Well. :)

At least i can get started now.

Thank for your input (everyone!)


Problem was with go daddy. I have now moved hosting and it works wonderful. so far!

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  • 2 years later...

I spent many hours searching the web for the answer but nothing worked until I found this link http://help.godaddy.com/article.php?articl...;isc=goox2001au

I followed the instructions and uploaded the newly created file to the root folder of my site. And nothing happened >_< . so I removed the file from the root folder and uploaded it to the catalog folder but still didn't work. so I removed the file from catalog folder too. I went back to my broken site and guess what, everything was working :blink:

I really don't understand what's going on

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  • 5 months later...
I spent many hours searching the web for the answer but nothing worked until I found this link http://help.godaddy.com/article.php?articl...;isc=goox2001au

I followed the instructions and uploaded the newly created file to the root folder of my site. And nothing happened >_< . so I removed the file from the root folder and uploaded it to the catalog folder but still didn't work. so I removed the file from catalog folder too. I went back to my broken site and guess what, everything was working :blink:

I really don't understand what's going on


Unfortunately, godaddy seems to think that the above file does not exist.


I'm on Bluehost and I want to emphasize that everything else ... and I mean EVERYTHING else about their hosting works at least as good as they say it will. I am totally a satisfied customer. But with OSC it's first one thing and then another.


I got so frustrated with the previous problems (unable to set up Authorize.net because I could not get OSC to store the set up data) that I tried to wipe the slate clean with an uninstall / reinstall of OSC and, for a few days it looked like the pixie dust had finally blown my way. I got to the point of adding a single product to a single category and all was well. Exhausted, I then made the mistake of going to sleep. I haven't been able to 1) upload a product pic 2) save product data somewhere visible 3) delete any of the empty categories I created that have no names 4) delete any of the phantom product listings that also have no data since then. I've looked at every forum posting that mentioned Bluehost and every one that mentions the search term "file upload". If this issue was EVER resolved on this forum, I sure can't, after literally hours of reading, find it. I was clutching at straws on the godaddy file. And even there I came up empty.


So what happened? ALL I have edited outside of the admin panel is 1) the configure.php files to permit SSL 2) the main.php file to get rid of the admin tips & dialog 3) php.ini to enable register globals.


I am losing sales because I 1) trusted this product 2) relied on this forum for support. I am tired of butting my head up against this wall. If I don't start making some sales pretty soon, I'll have to throw the towel in. As of today, I am making static product pages and relying on PayPal "Buy Now" buttons to at least help me pay for the unused East Commerce / Authorize.net accounts. (Unlike OSC, they are NOT free to use ... actually quite pricey, considering I've had them for a month and logged ZERO sales.


I'm bogging down here.


At the moment, OSC is on life-support. Much longer (a week?) without being able to resolve this (probably quite trivial) problem and I'll have to pull the plug on it.

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I'm bogging down here.


At the moment, OSC is on life-support. Much longer (a week?) without being able to resolve this (probably quite trivial) problem and I'll have to pull the plug on it.


Maybe an epiphany? I used phpMyAdmin to manually enter a product and it showed up in the admin console ... but not in the catalog. (This after deleting most of my cached data in the browser 'just in case').


Is it possible that the admin console can READ the database, but not write it?

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the issues are with permissions.

So if unable to set just contact your hosting company.



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Not sure if I am being helpful or not - but I have just spent the last 6 hours trying to do the same.


The solution I came to was the permissions on the images folder BUT!!!!!! as there are 2 images folders in different places make sure you set the right one to enable writting - (I've done both at the moment) and mine now works :thumbsup:

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Not sure if I am being helpful or not - but I have just spent the last 6 hours trying to do the same.


The solution I came to was the permissions on the images folder BUT!!!!!! as there are 2 images folders in different places make sure you set the right one to enable writting - (I've done both at the moment) and mine now works :thumbsup:

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  • 1 month later...

I was having the same problem, whenever I tried to add product the image will not load. It took me 4 days to figure out my problem! Hopefully this will help others.


I checked every file on the site (feels like it), checked the added PayPal scripts, nothing. When I checked the error logs I noticed the following:


PHP Warning: File upload error - unable to create a temporary file in Unknown on line 0

PHP Warning: mysql_connect(): Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2).


I started investigating using SmartFTP, comparing my development site and my soon to be live site (ksistore.com), and I noticed that under cgi-bin I had a tmp folder (on development site), but not on my live site. I tried to add it, it would not take. I called hostcentric (my hosting company) and requested reinstallation, configuration of the server side cgi scripts. I was supposed to wait for the server refresh 8 hours later. (Too impatient)


I kept trying by playing with that folder, with no success, and finally tried renaming it. It worked!!!!!!!!! I changed it from cgi-bin to cgibin. I then created cgi-bin and then tmp in that folder. Tested adding product, and it worked. I am back in the race!


Hope this helps everyone that has been having similar issues.




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  • 3 weeks later...
Thank you everyone/

I just learnt the same thing AZJ

I moved and now working fine.

After giving my designers hell i had to apologise as it WAS go daddy's fault. Oh Well. :)

At least i can get started now.

Thank for your input (everyone!)


Problem was with go daddy. I have now moved hosting and it works wonderful. so far!


Where and who did you move your hosting to? I have suffered the same indiginities as you over this "No file Uploaded" problem and tried every suggestion (persmissions to 777, php.in=ON, path checks, etc.) I could find in the forums. My problem started whn my host updated their security software and still is not resolved.

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  • 4 months later...

Ran into the same problem.....Moved from shared server to dedicated server using PHP version 5.1.2 and MYSQL 5.0.37


Warning, no image uploaded. Verified images folder was set to 777.

All was working on the shared server but I was unable to upload images on the dedicated server. After long hours of searching, I found a clue. Looked at the php.ini file which showed the following:



; File Uploads ;



; Whether to allow HTTP file uploads.

file_uploads = On


; Temporary directory for HTTP uploaded files (will use system default if not

; specified).

; upload_tmp_dir =


; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.

upload_max_filesize = 2M



Even though the tmp directory says it "will use system default if not specified", I uncommented 1 line and pointed to the tmp directory, restarted the server and now it works!




Hope this helps someone else!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


I have just started to get this problem. Pretty sure it is the host based on he following extract from Supanames support site:


My image upload script is producing this error for no reason...

If you experience the open_basedir security message when using an image upload script we recommend that you change any copy() commands found within the script to the command move_uploaded_file(). More information on the move_uploaded_file() command can be found here.


I am a bit of a divy at code - does this mean alot of work, or just a few code changes?





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  • 1 month later...

New user, not new to php but new to oscommerce. Here is what i found on this perticular problem. Im running IIS7 on vista with php version 5.2.2, mysql 5.0.41. I know that combo is crazy but i wanted a challenge and so far i have managed to work through all the bugs. Anyways, this was a fresh install and same problem you guys are having with the warning file not uploaded message and no image uploaded. First thing i thought was php permissions on uploading and what the temp directory was set to. So i opened php.ini and changed the following to reflect the new upload directory.


file uploads:


file_uploads = on


upload_tmp_dir="your temp path"


changed permissions to 777 on my temp directory and restarted IIS. Works like a charm.


hope that helps someone.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi i am a newb but thought i might as well give my findings with this same problem incase any one else runs into the same prob.


Ok i am using test data but hence warning file not found, and no pictures, i tried changing chmod permissions etc but still no fix. I used smartftp to check if the files were there and sftp reported the files were in the correct place. So i went into the product and changed the file location of the picture file to my local copy on my pc. instantly the pictures were displayed, so i changed the fie location back to the webfile tried all three alternates www.mydomain.com/catalog/images, /home/public_html/catalog/images and just the /folder/image.gif nothing worked.


So I went into Cpanelx and browsed to the correct directory which reported the files were there, scratching my head i opened a new browser and typed in the default location on the web www.mydomain.com/catalog/images/ it displayed the file and folder list for my images, yet when iwent in to the image folder it displayed no results found confusing as when both smartftp and cpanel file manager both reported the files were there, so i attempted another upload of the files through smartftp no change then I directly changed through FTP no change, so then i went back into cpanelx and used legacy file manager and for the life of me it displayed that there were no files present so i manually uploaded the files individually with the overwrite function, it took 5 attempts to get all three images too display but once they displayed in legacy file manager hey presto the images displayed correctly within OSC. So in hindsight i think this is a Cpanel problem not an OSC one. I have made no fancy changes to the core files just wnet through this in a few logical steps.


It is annoying though coz to get images to display it looks like i am going to have to individually upload all pics not feasible but hey if what i found helps there u go




never put off until tomorrow when you can do it today

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I had to remark on all the comments.


First of all osCommerce is an excellent shopping cart but like any good friend it takes time to get to know well.


Hosting companies can be probmatic at times but I think most are truely willing to help if possible.


Now I will tell you about my experience with the osc upload class.


It all started one fine day...


My trouble was with the path set in admin/includes/configure.php


on the line the defines the DIR_WS_CATALOG


I hate file paths because they always seem to be different. Here is how to straighten it out.









are two totally different animals and must be handled as such.


On one of your admin pages echo out DIR_WS_CATALOG_IMAGES and see what it says. 9 times out of ten it will be wrong thus causing upload error.


I have successfully uploaded files with the osc upload class even across different domains on a *nix server with no problem once I got those paths set right. I have never had trouble with my windows based localhost apache server.


You can echo out any define to see what is actually being supplied to the php engine for parsing.


Check your error log file also. The problem may not be where you think it is.


Relax. The frustration will cause wrinkles, grey hair, and obviously poor attitudes.


Good Luck

How do you know when you know what you want to do for the rest of your life?

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  • 3 months later...

I've got this problem too. Nice clean install of oscommerce for the 1st time - but on adding products, it says file not uploaded. This is despite the fact that it IS uploaded. I can see it!


If you look here: http://canavansalloys.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=25_26 you can see all the products in the "new for June" area. However, click on BMW category, and its empty (despite saying that its showing items 1-5)


Any ideas? Surely it cant be a big thing to sort.... :rolleyes:



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Should have added the contents of my config file:


define('HTTP_SERVER', 'http://canavansalloys.com');

define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'http://canavansalloys.com');

define('ENABLE_SSL', false);

define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'canavansalloys.com');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'canavansalloys.com');

define('HTTP_COOKIE_PATH', '/catalog/');

define('HTTPS_COOKIE_PATH', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_HTTP_CATALOG', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_HTTPS_CATALOG', '/catalog/');

define('DIR_WS_IMAGES', 'images/');

define('DIR_WS_ICONS', DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'icons/');

define('DIR_WS_INCLUDES', 'includes/');

define('DIR_WS_BOXES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'boxes/');

define('DIR_WS_FUNCTIONS', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'functions/');

define('DIR_WS_CLASSES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'classes/');

define('DIR_WS_MODULES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'modules/');

define('DIR_WS_LANGUAGES', DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'languages/');


define('DIR_WS_DOWNLOAD_PUBLIC', 'pub/');

define('DIR_FS_CATALOG', '/home/www/canavana/catalog/');

define('DIR_FS_DOWNLOAD', DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'download/');




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I've got this problem too. Nice clean install of oscommerce for the 1st time - but on adding products, it says file not uploaded. This is despite the fact that it IS uploaded. I can see it!


If you look here: http://canavansalloys.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=25_26 you can see all the products in the "new for June" area. However, click on BMW category, and its empty (despite saying that its showing items 1-5)


Any ideas? Surely it cant be a big thing to sort.... :rolleyes:




I just installed for the first time and am in the middle of setting up. When I first saw the warning I freaked and wasted precious time trying to find out what it was all about.

The warning comes up in preview and I am wondering if it just to tell you that the file is not uploaded until the upload button is pressed, because it goes away when it is pressed and the file is uploaded. Is that too simple?


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I hit preview, get the warning, yet the pic is uploaded OK. You can see the pic in the preview on the RH side, plus, if you FTP in, the pic in in the images folder OK.


However, when you go to your catalog and browse to that category - theres nothing there. It says (in my example) that its displaying items 1-5, but theres nothing.


Look here... http://canavansalloys.com/catalog/index.php?cPath=25_26_30 - nothing. Yet, if you look at the "New products for June" box here http://canavansalloys.com/catalog/index.php at the bottom of the page, the BMW exhausts are there!


Strange. I also checked the Bug Reports section of this site http://svn.oscommerce.com/jira/secure/Dashboard.jspa and there are 2 linked bug reports (put 553, 593 in the "quick search"). Its a common issue and one I cant afford to wait too long for a fix on without walking away from oscommerce and trying something else.



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  • 9 months later...

I just had that problem this week.


It worked fine for awhile but it just stopped showing the new images I was putting in. I found it was setting the image permission to 777 and would not work like that, so I used my FTP to change the image permission in the Image folder to 644 or even 444 and now they work fine.


So you could check the image permission.


When you are entering a product and try to preview it, you will not see an image but update it anyway then change the permission and then see if it shows up for you.


I just can't figure out why it worked for a while then just stopped one day.


Hope this helps someone

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  • 2 months later...
I just had that problem this week.


It worked fine for awhile but it just stopped showing the new images I was putting in. I found it was setting the image permission to 777 and would not work like that, so I used my FTP to change the image permission in the Image folder to 644 or even 444 and now they work fine.


So you could check the image permission.


When you are entering a product and try to preview it, you will not see an image but update it anyway then change the permission and then see if it shows up for you.


I just can't figure out why it worked for a while then just stopped one day.


Hope this helps someone


i tried setting it to 644 or 444 and the image was then not displayed, but when i put it back to 755 them image came back, but still get the error?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

Hi, first of all i am not a web designer or a tecno my son does that i just enter the products. I had two problems one the warning: no file uploaded in Products Image: when entering a new product i would browes and select the image but then it would be there. So i go back and the Products Image name was underneath but no photo on the listing. I found out in the end it was just the photos file name was too long.


The second problem was up-loading HTML into Products Description: no matter how big or how small the file was it would not up-load after i clicked PREVIEW and went to the next page the BACK & INSERT buttons were inactive. In the end after F****ing around for about 8 hours over two days i found the reason. My son was also looking for the reason it happened. here's the solution i came up with it may not be the right one but it works!


Just a sample of code ending, this will not load!


<li><font color="#008080"><b>Will the Digital

Microscope also work on my windows 7 operating

System?</b> <Br>

Yes it should </font></li>

<li><font color="#008080"><b>I keep clicking the

Zoom button but the digital microscope camera

Does not zoom?</b> <Br>

To use the Zoom function, you need to press and

Hold down the zoom button, and you will see 1X

On the screen shot you are taking. Repeat the

Process, just press and hold down to achieve 2X

Or 3X zoom </font></li>














This will load I just ended the code with the last word of text, real tecno :rolleyes:


<li><font color="#008080"><b>Will the Digital

Microscope also work on my windows 7 operating

System?</b> <Br>

Yes it should </font></li>

<li><font color="#008080"><b>I keep clicking the

Zoom button but the digital microscope camera

Does not zoom?</b> <Br>

To use the Zoom function, you need to press and

Hold down the zoom button, and you will see 1X

On the screen shot you are taking. Repeat the

Process, just press and hold down to achieve 2X

Or 3X zoom


Hope this helps someone

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