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I can't think of anything that would cause that. Does it just fail if you test your url or any url (like google.com)?



google.com is found: HTTP/1.0 302 Found is the response code.


Any ideas what can cause my not found return?



It fails here too. Are you on a Windows server?



Yep, but I doubt it's the server environment as I have another site (www.farnboroughabbey.org) on the same server but that works fine with SEO Assistant..!? (returns HTTP/1.1 200 OK)


It must therefore be something to do with my setup but I have no idea where to begin as I don't know what would cause this problem...


do you know what possible causes are??



The code doesn't appear to be handling your site correctly but I'v no idea why and no way to test it.



Is there anything I can do to test??




Ive just installed SEO Assistant V1.7


Its all working fine except for the page rank. When I click on page rank I get this error at the top of the page.


Warning: file(http://www.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&ch=6-2147459951&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&q=info:www.shoppinginurpjs.com) [function.file]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden in /home/wwwshop/public_html/admin/includes/functions/seo_assistant.php on line 96


Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /home/wwwshop/public_html/admin/includes/functions/seo_assistant.php on line 97

Failed to read url: www.shoppinginurpjs.com


I have no idea what this means. Here is a copy of the file below around line 96 & 97.


function getPR($_url) {

$url = 'info:'.$_url;

$ch = GCH(strord($url));


$pr = file("http://www.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&ch=6$ch&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&q=$url");

$pr_str = implode("", $pr);

return substr($pr_str,strrpos($pr_str, ":")+1);



function getLinkPopularity($link_url) {

$host = "www.google.com";

$path = "/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=link:" . $link_url;

$fp = fsockopen($host, "80", $errno, $errstr);

if (! $fp) {

echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";

return false;

} else {

fputs($fp, "GET ".$path." HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ".$host."\r\n\r\n");

while(!feof($fp)) {

$line = fgets($fp, 4096);

if (preg_match("/of about/", $line)) {

$total_sites = $line;

$total_sites = preg_replace("/^.*of about <b>/", "", $total_sites);

$total_sites = preg_replace("/<.*$/", "", $total_sites);

$total_sites = preg_replace("/\,/", "", $total_sites);

$total_sites = trim($total_sites);

return $total_sites;






Help on fixing in basic step by step (Im a bit clueless) would be much appreciated.




I see others have had the same problem. I tried adding var_dump($pr); as was suggested in a previous post but it did not work. I still get errors.


"The error is in the checksum generator of my shop. I got your code and put it in the seo_assistant.php as a fixed value and it worked perfectly" as posted peviously


What is this, where do I find it and what is the code? Assuming this is the problem. Id like to try it or if someone has the right fix for this.




I have the fopen option is ON.


Have the 200 Ok result.


Everything is as it should be (going by what people have posted here)


Quite a few people seem to have this problem which seems to have been there from the very beginning yet no one has a fix for it except for, "I got it working" :blink:


That answer does not help me or anyone else. People have even posted here asking if people can post their fix yet I cant seem to find anyone whom has done so.


Im sure we would all appreciate people posting what they have done to fix their problem. Maybe it's a bit of "What works for one may not work for someone else" but it doesnt hurt to try something.

Nothing posted here has helped me so maybe sopmething that hasnt been posted (like someones fix,that worked for them) could help.


Please Please any fix or idea's to try would be good.





A fix hasn't been found for the problem. It seems to be server-related which makes it near impossible for me to troubleshoot since it works fine here. You can try replacing the checksum value as mentions previously. In admin/includes/functions/seo_assistant.php, find this line

$ch = GCH(strord($url));

and replace it with

$ch = '61459219499';



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Hi, Jack_mcs.


After a couple of weeks, I found out how to fix the problem with the page rank routine.

I noticed that several users have had this problem as I had - Page rank routine doesn´t work satisfactory.


I posted in the community contribution - SEO Assistant - an update to this problem and also a translation to the portuguese language.


I hope this contribution could solve many troubles to our community.


Thanks for your help and your contribution.


Carlos Costa



Ive just installed SEO Assistant V1.7


Its all working fine except for the page rank. When I click on page rank I get this error at the top of the page.


Warning: file(http://www.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&ch=6-2147459951&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&q=info:www.shoppinginurpjs.com) [function.file]: failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden in /home/wwwshop/public_html/admin/includes/functions/seo_assistant.php on line 96


Warning: implode() [function.implode]: Bad arguments. in /home/wwwshop/public_html/admin/includes/functions/seo_assistant.php on line 97

Failed to read url: www.shoppinginurpjs.com


I have no idea what this means. Here is a copy of the file below around line 96 & 97.


function getPR($_url) {

$url = 'info:'.$_url;

$ch = GCH(strord($url));


$pr = file("http://www.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&ch=6$ch&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&q=$url");

$pr_str = implode("", $pr);

return substr($pr_str,strrpos($pr_str, ":")+1);



function getLinkPopularity($link_url) {

$host = "www.google.com";

$path = "/search?hl=en&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=link:" . $link_url;

$fp = fsockopen($host, "80", $errno, $errstr);

if (! $fp) {

echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";

return false;

} else {

fputs($fp, "GET ".$path." HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: ".$host."\r\n\r\n");

while(!feof($fp)) {

$line = fgets($fp, 4096);

if (preg_match("/of about/", $line)) {

$total_sites = $line;

$total_sites = preg_replace("/^.*of about <b>/", "", $total_sites);

$total_sites = preg_replace("/<.*$/", "", $total_sites);

$total_sites = preg_replace("/\,/", "", $total_sites);

$total_sites = trim($total_sites);

return $total_sites;






Help on fixing in basic step by step (Im a bit clueless) would be much appreciated.





Hi, Ruth,


I had the same problem as you had. A new update is available at SEO Assistant V1.8 I´ve posted yesterday.

Try it and feedback me if it works for you.


My email is [email protected].




Carlos Costa


Hi Carlos,


I tried your update as well but it does not work and produces the same errors as before.



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!


Hello Carlos Costa,


I used your update and it worked. Thank You.




When I downloaded the update the files are catalogue/includes/functions.

Just check it as it suppose to be installed in Admin/includes/functions. (without the language file)


If you uploaded to admin and it still didnt work, Sorry I cant help you as the update seemed to fix mine.


Try Jacks suggestion (If you havent already, dont know if its the same as the update) but it dont hurt to try.


Maybe it should be stated in the contribution download page that this is a known problem and cant be fixed for everyone due to it being a server problem.


Then Jack wouldnt have to listen to the same old problem not working over & over. :)


It is available the correction of the folder path for the update v1.8A.


See at SEO Assistant Module.


Thanks to Ruth to alert me of this mistake.


Carlos Costa

Posted (edited)
Hi, Jack_mcs.


After a couple of weeks, I found out how to fix the problem with the page rank routine.

I noticed that several users have had this problem as I had - Page rank routine doesn´t work satisfactory.


I posted in the community contribution - SEO Assistant - an update to this problem and also a translation to the portuguese language.


I hope this contribution could solve many troubles to our community.


Thanks for your help and your contribution.


Carlos Costa

Good job Carlos. I haven't had a chance to look at the code but I tried it on a site that had the problem and it worked. Thanks for saving me from having to fix it. Please feel free to tackle the header status problem some sites have next. :)



Edited by Jack_mcs

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Hi Carlos,


First of all thanks again to Jack for sending me the checksum number which solved the problem.


However after trying your update Carlos I am back to square one so to speak, the error has returned >_<


Warning: file(http://www.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&ch=6-5777331422948916942&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&q=info:www.adultoysuk.co.uk): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden in /home/******/public_html/admin/includes/functions/seo_assistant.php on line 112


Warning: implode(): Bad arguments. in /home/******/public_html/admin/includes/functions/seo_assistant.php on line 113


Any ideas?





Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

Hi Carlos,


First of all thanks again to Jack for sending me the checksum number which solved the problem.


However after trying your update Carlos I am back to square one so to speak, the error has returned >_<

Any ideas?






Hi Mark,


It is strange you got the error yet. Let me show the sequence I did.

1 - Installed SEO Assistant 1.7 carefully. This step is important. If you have patience, just check it the installation again. Sometimes we find some mistakes or try to install from the beginning again.

2 - I checked all the functions to see if all of them work correctly. Just Page Rank gave me the error.

3 - I asked Jack to send me the corrected checksum of my site, as you did. Change the file catalog/admin/includes/functions/seo_assistant.php to include the corrected checksum to see if it is working ok.

For your site it is : $ch = "6944019475"; -> the number '6' in the beginning of checksum is a fixed number for any site you test.

4 - If you used my update version of seo_assistant.php, I included in the variable $ch the number fixed '6', but the Jack´s version isn´t. I took it out the number '6' from the string below:

$pr = file("http://www.google.com/search?client=navclient-auto&ch=$ch&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&features=Rank&q=$url"); -> this is my string updated (in bold).

5 - If you used the Jack´s version, you do not put the '6' in the variable $ch = "944019475"; .

6 - From what I noticed, the only file that can cause this problem is the catalog/admin/includes/functions/seo_assistant.php.

7 - Important: The checksum is different to each site you test it. So, this number I gave you above is for your site.


I hope I can guide you to solve the problem.






Carlos Costa


Your Welcome :)


It is available the correction of the folder path for the update v1.8A.


See at SEO Assistant Module.


Thanks to Ruth to alert me of this mistake.


Many thanks to Jack and Ruth for the nice words of encouragement.


I began to be adapted to OscCommerce shop since August/2006 (completly new for me, and I love the style of this shop) and I am trying to learn php language better. I have a web live shop for computers products in Brazil and several modules were installed in my shop through OSC contributions of yours - I have some Jack´s contributions installed, as Header Tags Controller that I noticed it is very important to a web shop.


You can visit my shop at address www.hipertech.com.br/loja/ (BUT REMEMBER IS A LIVE SHOP) and any suggestion it will be welcome. It is in portuguese but in the future I intend to include an english version.


Now let´s to return to SEO Assistant. I found out a little bug in link position function.

After you insert data to the fields to check in Google, MSN and Yahoo and press "Get Position" button, it shows a list of site links. As you move the mouse over these links, at status bar shows the related link.

You will see that the link do not correspond to the site because add the base path of your admin path.


Let me show an example:

1 www.google.com --> status bar show = http://www.mysite.com/catalog/admin/www.google.com

--> the correct link should be = http://www.google.com


I found the problem in the file catalog/admin/seo_assistant.php in line 426 (for Google Code - should be implemented to MSN and Yahoo) where you find:

<?php if (substr($siteresults_google[$i], 'https')) { ?>

<td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a href="' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>

<?php } else { ?>

<td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a href="' . 'http://' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>

<?php } ?>


and I replace to (as you see I inverted the lines):

<?php if (substr($siteresults_google[$i], 'https')) { ?>

<td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a href="' . 'http://' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>

<?php } else { ?>

<td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a href="' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>

<?php } ?>


The https is a header for a SSL security certificate site and the comparation is done with a SSL site. Are all sites listed an SSL site? I have this doubt. What do you think Jack?




Carlos Costa


Actually, that code is not valid. It's been a while since I looked at it and it is incorect, specifically the command

substr($siteresults_google[$i], 'https'))

Also, the url that is recorded in the search code doesn't record http or https, so even if the above code was valid, it would serve no purpose. The result is that this section of code

							<?php if (substr($siteresults_google[$i], 'https')) { ?> 
						 <td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a   href="' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>
			<?php } else { ?>
				   <td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a   href="' .'http://' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>
			<?php } ?>

should be replaced with

			   <td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a href="' . 'http://' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_google[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>

This section

						   <?php if (substr($siteresults_msn[$i], 'https')) { ?> 
					  <td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a   href="' . $siteresults_msn[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_msn[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>
		   <?php } else { ?>
				  <td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a   href="' .'http://' . $siteresults_msn[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_msn[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>
		   <?php } ?>

with this

			  <td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a   href="' .'http://' . $siteresults_msn[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_msn[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>

and this section

						   <?php if (substr($siteresults_yahoo[$i], 'https')) { ?> 
					  <td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a   href="' . $siteresults_yahoo[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_yahoo[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>
		   <?php } else { ?>
				  <td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a   href="' .'http://' . $siteresults_yahoo[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_yahoo[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>
		   <?php } ?>

with this

				  <td class="seo_section"><?php echo $j. ' ' .'<a   href="' .'http://' . $siteresults_yahoo[$i] . '" target="_blank">' . $siteresults_yahoo[$i] . '</a>'; ?></td>

Another good catch Carlos. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, Jack


I was checking my site with the SEO Assistant and I found one bug similar as the Link Position links.

When I use the function Supplemental Links and move the mouse over the links, it appears only "http://www.mysite.com/catalog/admin" instead of "http://www.mysite.com/catalog/about_us.php" as example.


I was checking in the admin/seo_assistant.php script near the line 1138 where it has the following codes:


<?php if ($showsupplementalLinks && count($supplementalURL_Google)) {

for ($i = 0; $i < count($supplementalURL_Google); ++$i) { ?>


<td class="smallText"><a href="<?php echo $sidURL_Google[$i]; ?>" target="_blank"><?php echo $supplementalURL_Google[$i]; ?></a></td>



It seems to me that this variable array is not getting the corrected link ($sidURL_Google[$i]).

Is it the corrected array or it should be $supplementalURL_Google[$i] instead of ?


What do you think?


Many Thanks,


Carlos Costa

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