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Just installed this contribution and shows this error


1146 - Table 'db107496661.TABLE_SEO_GOOGLE' doesn't exist


select search_url, search_term, rank, sites_searched, date from TABLE_SEO_GOOGLE




Any ideas please as the table does exist in phpmyadmin







Mark A Reynolds


Mark - You will get that error if the definition is missing. Make sure you did the following from the instructions:

8) Add the following to admin/includes/database_tables.php before the final ?>

    define('TABLE_SEO_GOOGLE', 'seo_google');

    define('TABLE_SEO_YAHOO', 'seo_yahoo');


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you have to provide the define statement for the table in



I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt

  • 2 weeks later...

Oops, I inadvertantly left an echo statement in the code. It won't hurt anything other than printing some text on your page. If you want to remove it, remove the following from around line 62 in the admin/seo_assistant.php file. This will be fixed in the next update.

 echo 'rank clicked';



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when checking for density i get this error:


Warning: arsort() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given in /home/graveyar/public_html/admin/includes/functions/seo_density.php on line 72


I am not using a straight oscommerce, I am using max-ms2 v1.7 which is based on the latest oscommerce. Anyway, when I click the SEO Assistant link in Admin, I just get a blank page? I am positive I have everything in correct, unless I missed a step somewhere, but went over it twice.


Thanks, Corey


Jeff - you are using an entrance page. If you are interested in getting good positioning for your site, that is going to hurt you - very badly. :( But, in any event, I'm not sure why the contribution is getting an error. I'll look into it. For now though, use the path to your shop:

I tested it and it worked. Let me know if you have a problem.


Corey - I may not be able to help you since I have no idea what is going on in that code. What is the full string showing in the url of your browser when you click SEO Assistant?



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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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Hi Jack,


Nice looking contrib, many thanks, was easy to install too :)


If I press any of the buttons nothing seems to happen?


The hourglass pointer attaches to the mouse and there it sits, any ideas?






As I am sure you are aware, the package you are using is not supported on these forums. You might want to try their forums. Maybe someone there can install it and find the problem.


Since it works fine with OSC it would seem the problem is either with how it was installed or with the package you are using. Try doing this to isolate the problem:


Go into your admin directory and rename seo_assistant.php to seo_assistant_orig.php

Then make a copy of file_manager.php and rename that copy to seo_assistant.php

Now try clicking on the SEO Assistant button.


The File Manager window should open. If it does then you have the link setup correctly. At that point you will need to edit the seo_assistant.php file to find what is stopping it from working.


Good luck,


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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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I seem to also be getting the same problem as Koltz, just a blank page for seo_assistant.php.


Any ideas on a fix would be great.


Also...Include the 2 Table definitions in your catalog/admin/application_top.php file. I had to do that to get OsCommerce to recognize that the Table's existed.




Kenneth S


Customer "Are you a real programmer?"

Me "No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night"


Hi Jack,


I am using OSC does this mean the instructions you gave should not be followed?






I think Jack is saying this support forum is for your basic OSC installation and addons offered here. Some work based on OSC (mostly patches and addons that can be found here) are floating around and it's too hard to keep track of or give support for something he does not use due to changes in the code he cant forsee.

Kenneth S


Customer "Are you a real programmer?"

Me "No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night"


Kenneth - What version of OSC are you using? You shouldn't have to include those definitions in application_top.php if you added the defines in database_tables.php per the instructions since application_top.php has the following line:

 require(DIR_WS_INCLUDES . 'database_tables.php');

Does you application_top.php file have that line? If it does, did you add the defines in database_tables.php?


Len - for an OSC shop, follow the instrructions in the contribution. It does require the latest version of OSC and at least version 4.3 of php to work properly. What are your versions?



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no it did not at the time, I went ahead and as you said moved the table definitions to their correct file and added the require for database_tables.php.

It still comes up as a blank white page for seo_assistant.php. It's really odd because it's not loading anything and Ive tried a couple different browsers with the same results.

Kenneth S


Customer "Are you a real programmer?"

Me "No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night"


Hi Jack,


I am in the process of upgrading my OSC at the moment so I have OSC MS1 and MS2 on my server, the one your plug-in is attached to is the 2.2 MS2 version. PHP is 4.3.8. I am using the lastest SEO assistant


The screen displays fine when I press the 'SEO Assistant' link in the tool box with 3 sections and 3 buttons (search, get page rank & check density). The problem appears when I press either of the 3 buttons, it just sits there and does nothing :(






Kenneth - the fact that that statement was missing from your file leads me to think you are using an older version of OSC or your files are corrupted. What version of OSC are you using?


Len - what url are you entering so I can test it on mine? Or, if you don't want to post it, try getting the page rank for www.google.com. What happens?



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Hi Jack


The url i'm using is :-








Just tried the google url, same as the ideas- etc


When I press the button, the 'monitor lights' both flash on and off then nothing :(





PHP Version: 4.1.2 (Zend: 1.1.1)

Oscommerce 2.2 MS2


My files arent corrupt because everything else works perfectly. I've done quite a few modifications though but this seems to be seo_assistant.php not outputing anything. Someone earlier in this topic had the same problem it seems.

Kenneth S


Customer "Are you a real programmer?"

Me "No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night"


Len - it works fine here. Although your problem did reveal a possible bug in the code. I forgot to check for the return of the function. I don't think it will cause this problem but to be sure, in admin/seo_assistant.php, find the code around line 73 that reads

 $dens = kda($density_url, $ttl_words, $use_meta_tags, $use_partial_total);

and replace it with

  if (! ($dens = kda($density_url, $ttl_words, $use_meta_tags, $use_partial_total))) {
   $error = 'Failed to read url: '.$density_url;

Let me know what happens.



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For Hire: Contact me for anything you need help with for your shop: upgrading, hosting, repairs, code written, etc.

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Hi Jack,


Did as you asked, now I have a pink bar at the top saying 'failed to read url:'.


By the way, many thanks for your time on this, really appreciate it






Hi Guys,


I think this contrib is just getting better and better!


I think its one of the most useful contribs around.


A couple of things extra would make it complete, mayabe a link popularity checker and maybe a backlink checker.


What do the guys who made this contrib think??



Lifes a bitch, then you marry one, then you die!

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