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[contribution] Star Product


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Hi mark27uk3


Yes I am creating specify instructions for install Graphical Borders in some contributions, I upload its in a few days to http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,1702


others parts of catalog are modified by "Individual boxes for products in central modules" contribution, http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,4491 example: Featured Products and Specials on Default that I uploaded it yet to this URL. Thats contribution create the individual boxes for products of modules



And for SPPC, I don?t work with this contribution but I hope that when I finish some contributions in which I am worked I going to see to integrate both contributions, and with others that I worked

Edited by nicko107
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And for SPPC, I don?t work with this contribution but I hope that when I finish some contributions in which I am worked I going to see to integrate both contributions, and with others that I worked


Since I'm using Star Product already, I'm glad to hear that!

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Hi Nicko,


I've uploaded your Star Product v1.6 contribution, thanks.


I am experiencing two problems, please can you give me some guidance.


1. Although the Star Product box does appear on my main page, there are no details for the product, ie no picture, no price and no info even though I have selected a "Star Product". Am I doing something wrong?


2. In phpmyadmin, it is saying that no index is being found for the star_product table.


I would really appreciate your help.









I uploaded version:


Star Product v 1.6

Is a COMPLETE PACK thats include all previous fixed and changes.

- include all fixes and changes of before versions, all credits for they authors. Module can be select active o not active and select the star product by the admin side. With version Star Product v 1.5c (by mickeymouse)


- unified sql changes in one file star_product.sql (the new table start_product and sql of Star Product v 1.5c) for a easy install.


- include fix to don?t cut words (Another quick fix by Iv?n Prieto 13 Dec 2004)


- a better order of installation steps for not display errors during installation


- include install instructions in spanish


- screenshots of admin configuration of star product and Star Product module of main index page of catalog.


- Folder called: catalog_for_new_shops_only, that include all files changed with this contribution for upload to new shop only that didn?t have modifications in his files.

And is available a online DEMO:




(this demo include graphical modification of modules and boxes not include in this contribution)

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Hi Nicko,


I've uploaded your Star Product v1.6 contribution, thanks.


I am experiencing two problems, please can you give me some guidance.


1. Although the Star Product box does appear on my main page, there are no details for the product, ie no picture, no price and no info even though I have selected a "Star Product". Am I doing something wrong?


2. In phpmyadmin, it is saying that no index is being found for the star_product table.


I would really appreciate your help.






Guys, don't worry. It's sorted out, although I don't know what I did to fix it. I just deleted the products and recreated them.

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Hi Nicko,

I dont suppose your planning on releasing your graphical mod for this contrib as I am using your other contrib and I think it is one of the best sets of contributions released for osc.


If your not going to release it is there anychance your would email it to me?


Many Thanks







For used Star Product with Graphical borders do this:


1. FIND at the line 1:






<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<?php echo mws_header(STAR_TITLE); ?>



2. comment this line:


  new contentBoxHeading($header_star_product);


or REPLACE with:


//  new contentBoxHeading($header_star_product);


3. if you create the classes noborderbox for hidden the default borders do this:




new contentBox($star_products_output);




new noborderBox($star_products_output)



4. and at the end of file add this:


<?php echo mws_footer(''); ?>



This applied the graphical borders to this module and hidden the default borders.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Hi I see you did the final update on this. I was wondering if you could see where to make it compatible with Dynamic Mo Pics?




Version 3.000, the others are irrelevant. I believe the Star Product was based on a vanilla install.


If you click on the product, the pop up picture does not appear I guess due to the changes made by Dynamic Mo Pics

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  • 1 month later...
Hey great contrib and i have it running smooth as butter!!! One question if I may, how can I edit the border size? It's just too big and I can't figure out where the code is to change it's thickness.


Thanks in advance,


Nigelman :thumbsup:


I guess that your borders are to big on all your boxes then as this contrib does not set the border size.


To edit your borders open \catalog\stylesheet.css


find the following


.infoBox {

border: solid;

border-width: 1px;

color: #cdebfd;

background: #FFFFFF;

size: 20px;



Edit the border px in BOLD to what ever size you would like it to be.

If your using firfox browser download the developer addon, it allows you to edit the css files on the fly, saves both time and bandwidth. Then once your happy with your stylesheet you can save it via firefox then upload it LD

Edited by Get-Wireless 2
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I have just installed this contrib latest version 1.6 by nicko, I must say this is one of the easiest contribs I have had the pleasure to install.


How ever I am struggling with getting the price to show with tax

I have looked at This Reply for the solution but I dont even have that code :(


Also How can I get my Product title to be like http://www.oscommerce-demo.com/demo01/ IE centered and in bold and larger text.


Also I would like to move the buy now button to the other side. I tried messing with the table alignment but just got errors thrown at me :(


Regards and many thanks


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I have managed to sort my title out and the image size, I still cant seem to get the price to include tax tho :(


Is it possible to align the image in the center underneath the title then under the image have the description ?


Also can it be made to work with remove buy now button if quantity=0?


I tried and failed :(


this is the code for the above

				<td class="main" align="right">
if ( $product_info['products_quantity'] > 0 ) {
echo tep_draw_hidden_field('products_id', $product_info['products_id']) . tep_image_submit('button_in_cart.gif', IMAGE_BUTTON_IN_CART); 
} else { 


I tried to merge it at lines 42 and 63 but keep getting parse errors :(

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I have managed to sort my title out and the image size, I still cant seem to get the price to include tax tho :(


I have managed to fix my problem of tax not being included with the following




Line 39 and line 60 replace

$currencies->display_price($star_products['final_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($listing['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</td>




$products_price = $currencies->display_price($star_products['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($star_products['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</td>


Worked for me :D


Just need to work out how to remove the buy now if quantity=0 next and the alignment of the buttons

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Is it possible to set a a price on star product ? or at least have it reflect the price if its on special?



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I just installed this contrib. All seems well at the admin side but it is not showing up on the site (it is activated).


Any Suggestions?





If the product havent stock then don´t display the product in the module,

when the stock of product is 0

because of this sometimes the product dont appear in the star product module


changing a option:


admin >> Configuration menu >> Stock:


Allow Checkout set to true


is a solution for appear the product in module


but then a client can purchase a product that havent stock





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Nice contribution and installed without a hitch.


Q: Why does it ignore html tags in product descriptions?




This should be a list as it is in the full product page, but it just runs on in Star Product. Can this be fixed?


Thanks! (I also want to remove the info button as well).

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Also you will notice that the image is full size and looking at the code it should be the small size. I believe this is due to the "ImageMagic" contribution and that's fine by me because I like the full size image.


I would like to change it so that clicking the image opens the full product page instead of the image popup. Is that possible? Thanks.

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Also you will notice that the image is full size and looking at the code it should be the small size. I believe this is due to the "ImageMagic" contribution and that's fine by me because I like the full size image.


I would like to change it so that clicking the image opens the full product page instead of the image popup. Is that possible? Thanks.



yeah , find this bit of code in catalog/includes/modules/star_product.php.


 <td align="right"  height="100%" width="15%" rowspan="2"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_POPUP_IMAGE, 'pID=' . $star_products['products_id']) . '"' . ' target="popup"' . ' onClick="window.open(this.href, this.target, \'toolbar=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=yes, copyhistory=no, width=' . SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH . ', height=' . SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT . '\').focus(); return false;">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $star_products['products_image'], $star_products['products_name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH*2, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT*2) . '</a></td>



the code appears twice , so you will need to edit both sections of code where you find that line


change that line to this -


<td align="right"  height="100%" width="15%" rowspan="2"><a href="' . tep_href_link(FILENAME_PRODUCT_INFO, "products_id=" . $star_products["products_id"]). '">' . tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . $star_products['products_image'], $star_products['products_name'], SMALL_IMAGE_WIDTH*2, SMALL_IMAGE_HEIGHT*2) . '</a></td>



works for me :thumbsup:

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Thank you so much! Removing the info button was easy but I've just spent 2 hrs trial and error trying to do what you just posted... Works perfect!


I can live with the run-on descriptions for now.


Cool :thumbsup:


I need one of those gimmicks , looks like fun...goldfish out of thin air !!





Have you checked the product description length setting in admin ?

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I have managed to fix my problem of tax not being included with the following




Line 39 and line 60 replace

$currencies->display_price($star_products['final_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($listing['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</td>




$products_price = $currencies->display_price($star_products['products_price'], tep_get_tax_rate($star_products['products_tax_class_id'])) . '</td>


Worked for me :D


Just need to work out how to remove the buy now if quantity=0 next and the alignment of the buttons





and what can i do if my star product has a special price ?



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