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Zones, Tax Zones, and Zone Rates: confusing


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Hi all,


Forum, contributions, documentation - nothing helps, so I hope you can.


What I want: different shipping costs for Holland, for Europe, and for Rest Of The World, all based on weight.


The confusing bit is that there are Countries, Zones, and Tax Zones. What goes where? I have no use for Zones in the sense of States or Provences, so I guess I could delete all rows in the Zones table. I have Tax Zone Holland with country Holland and Tax zone Europe with country Belgium. (More will follow if this works.)


Now, how can I add more zone rates to the Zone Rates module. I only get to enter one zone!


The Contributions section has this "Per Products, Per Zone shipping Module", except its documentation says "The first zone will take the price for each product from its weight field, the rest of the zones' rates will be a function of the weight field." which I think it rather weird...


Someone also said that when users create an account, only the countries in certain zones are in the combobox. I was trying to find out how that works, too.




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