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SSL installation problems.


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can navigate fine to my https://mywebsite.com but when I surf the cart it changes right back to http:// plus I do not see a lock on the login page or the signup page, check out process. I'm not sure if I have my secure images directory setup, I tried to edit the configure.php file to no avail.


Also I can navigate to https://mywebsite.com/admin and it shows the lock button.

when I click on customers or orders and start working, the lock disappears and it goes back to http://


Is there a way to desinate what pages are locked? I want my signup page, login, check out process pages secure. I want my admin control panel to always be secure.

or everything in the site if it would make it easier.


I tried using force ssl code at the beg. of the code, but it made the login signup,and checkout process fail. There has to be an easier way to do this.

I can't go live until I get this finished. hopefully I want destroy everything in the process.

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