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Multi_Vendor_Shipping new thread


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Hi all


I've been looking into doing something just like this for a client. I was just starting to figure out the logic when I happened on this thread. I would be glad to do anything that I can to help make this a working mod. If you only need beta testing, I have a test site available and would be glad to help debug. If there is anything else that I can do please let me know. I'm not the fastest php coder in the world, but I'm stubborn enough to make up for it.




I would love to have some help with this Jim. If you would like to collaborate with me on this we can possibly get it finished pretty quickly. I have gotten a large portion of it done, using my Vendor Email mod to manage the Vendors, already planned and researched what code needs to be where and for the most part, how. I just need the time to get the "vendor_shipping" class finished. If you think you can devote some time to it, contact me via email from PM, and we can organize. I can give you the details of my plan and get your input as well. I have many additional ideas to be integrated into this, make it a complete Vendor Management System. It wouild also be able to be the easiest and most efficient "per product" ship manager available. Anyway, contact me if your interested Jim, be glad to have some help. Craig :)




Another idea to consider:

There is a current, working contrib out there for a shipping estimator built into the shopping cart page itself. It might be a great add-on to make a multizip origin, MVS friendly version of the shipping calculator in the cart.


Here is a working example of the shipping calc in cart:



Be sure to add something to your cart in order to view the calculator at work.


This would be a great compliment to the new and improved, MVS system.






(we've been quite busy with other custom work....auto SKU numbering system, auto image renaming, QTY update notifications, etc)

Cody, do you know which "ship in cart" mod this is? I have had to really work out an old version to work in my own store. And, actually, I have been using my version of it to do a lot of my testing so far. But I like the display better. I will probably just incorporate that display into the one I am working with and include it with this when we are done. Any more ideas are always welcome. Craig :)

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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Try this one:



I may be wrong, you might need to do a little research and ask MadMacGames directly if they hard-coded it, or if they used a contribution. I believe they simply skinned a contribution already introduced.


Sorry I dont have more info!



Carpe Carp: Seize the Fish.

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It sure is Paul. Hope to have some beta code within the next week. I keep getting sidetracked by other things, but I hope to be able to devote some significant time to it over the next several days. Stay tuned all, Craig :)



I just started to work on a OScommerce shop for the first time and have also been looking for a multi-vendor shipping module. I tried installing the current one, but I've had problems with it. I am definitely looking forward to trying out your contribution. Thanks for your hard work, and I definitely can't wait to hear from you guys.



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Craig -

this will be the most useful contribution i have needed so far! - please let me know if you need more help testing etc. --

what i need for the store i'm working on is more or less what you guys were all discussing in this thread only I need to ship only one item per box ( no grouping of items into 1 package) and one of my client's 3 vendor options charges an added 25% to shipping cost for dropshipping it for them... which i should be able to figure out one way or another - i'm good at taking code that is there and making it work, but not really good at starting from ground zero -- this is a huge project and i really thank you for taking the time to figure it out!


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Hi all,


I have installed this mod as well as the UPDATE, and the error I recieve is

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CASE in /includes/modules/shipping/mltship4.php on line 153



Line 153 and on reads:


case "upsxml":


$rate = new upsxml;

$mltQuote = $rate->quote('upsxml');


//Any other module specific processing / charges should be done here



case "usps":

$rate = new usps;

$mltQuote = $rate->quote('Surface Post'); // 'Surface Post' => 'Economy (Surface) Parcel Post'


//Any other module specific processing / charges should be done here



case "regions":

$rate = new regions4;

$mltQuote = $rate->quote('regions4');


//Any other module specific processing / charges should be done here



case "zonesworld":

$rate = new zonesworld4;

$mltQuote = $rate->quote('zonesworld4');


//Any other module specific processing / charges should be done here






//Post quote processing

//Add global handling charge... set the global handling to 0 if you don't use it

$shipping_mltship4_cost += (SHIPPING_HANDLING + $mltQuote['methods'][0]['cost']) * $mlt_num_boxes;


if($row['handling_per_box'] == 1)

$shipping_mltship4_cost += $row['handling_charge'] * $mlt_num_boxes;


$shipping_mltship4_cost += $row['handling_charge'];



//restore old variables

$shipping_weight = $old_weight;

$shipping_num_boxes = $old_num_boxes;


if ($shipping_mltship4_cost == 0)

$shipping_mltship4_cost = "Not Available For This Order";



$this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code,


'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code,


'cost' => $shipping_mltship4_cost)));


return $this->quotes;





Is there a fix for this yet?? I have searched but the search function isnt too helpful, the results were all from different contribs not related to emvs




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This is not in the contribution area. The other ones there are limited and don't work all the time.


We are all just sitting, watching and waiting for now.



I worked on both the first and enhanced releases of multiship. I have made changes and additions.

I would love to help with this if you still need.

Edited by crashwave

q_|_|| _|9~~J >-o>-o q_|_|| )| q_|| )

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Hi all,


I have installed this mod as well as the UPDATE, and the error I recieve is

Parse error: parse error, unexpected T_CASE in /includes/modules/shipping/mltship4.php on line 153

Line 153 and on reads:


                                        case "upsxml":


                                                $rate = new upsxml;

                                                $mltQuote = $rate->quote('upsxml');


                                                //Any other module specific processing / charges should be done here



                                        case "usps":

                                                $rate = new usps;

                                                $mltQuote = $rate->quote('Surface Post');  // 'Surface Post' => 'Economy (Surface) Parcel Post'


                                                //Any other module specific processing / charges should be done here



                                      case "regions":

                                                $rate = new regions4;

                                                $mltQuote = $rate->quote('regions4');


                                                //Any other module specific processing / charges should be done here



                                      case "zonesworld":

                                                $rate = new zonesworld4;

                                                $mltQuote = $rate->quote('zonesworld4');


                                                //Any other module specific processing / charges should be done here




                                //Post quote processing

                                //Add global handling charge... set the global handling to 0 if you don't use it

                                $shipping_mltship4_cost += (SHIPPING_HANDLING + $mltQuote['methods'][0]['cost']) * $mlt_num_boxes;


                                if($row['handling_per_box'] == 1)

                                        $shipping_mltship4_cost += $row['handling_charge'] * $mlt_num_boxes;


                                        $shipping_mltship4_cost += $row['handling_charge'];



          //restore old variables

          $shipping_weight = $old_weight;

          $shipping_num_boxes = $old_num_boxes;


      if ($shipping_mltship4_cost == 0)

                $shipping_mltship4_cost = "Not Available For This Order";



      $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code,

                            'module' => MODULE_SHIPPING_MLTSHIP4_TEXT_QUOTE,

                            'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code,

                                                        'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_MLTSHIP4_TEXT_DESCRIPTION,

                                                        'cost' => $shipping_mltship4_cost)));


      return $this->quotes;


Is there a fix for this yet?? I have searched but the search function isnt too helpful, the results were all from different contribs not related to emvs


Sorry Verbval, I am re-writing this thing from scratch since the older verisons never did what I needed. I hope to have something done soon, though. Craig :)

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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This is not in the contribution area. The other ones there are limited and don't work all the time.


We are all just sitting, watching and waiting for now.



I worked on both the first and enhanced releases of multiship. I have made changes and additions.

I would love to help with this if you still need.

Help is always good. I am still having trouble with getting the loops written so they don't break when there are multiple vendors in the shopping basket. If you know some php you may be able to help us all out by getting me past this last hurdle. If you would like to join me, contact me email via PM, I am putting together some info for kymation and I can send you some stuff as well. I am close to giving up and trying to pool some money together and paying a professional programmer for this for me. Getting very frustrating. Let me know. Craig :)

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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Hello everyone


I have been watching this topic for the last few days since it was recommended to me by Crashwave. This contribution looks like it could be the answer to my prayers! Here is the topic that I started.


As I mentioned in the topic I started, I do have some VB .NET experience but no PHP experience. Looking at some tutorials, though, makes me think that it would be a very smooth transition. They are both higher level scripting languages after all. I plan on picking up a few books on the subject this weekend and hopefully I could help you guys out before you finish this contribution. ;)


You guys are doing a great job. Keep up the good work!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm definitely working on this. If I don't get any more interruptions (Hah!) I should have a preliminary version ready to test by tomorrow. I'll post here when I have a version for you folks to play with.


For right now, everything works up through the shipping page. I need to get it to store the extra data and then put the information on the invoice. It is also lacking some functions that would need to be in a final version, such as setting maximum weight per vendor/shipping method. I decided to try to get the important parts working first, then add in the rest later.


If you want to see what it looks like now, my test site is here. Expect this site to be broken in new and unusual ways at various times, since I'm still working on it.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Hello kymation!


Really great news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I have been looking through your test site, and it looks like you're pretty close!


Can't wait to see.


For sure you guys will be the heroes for hundreds of osc users!


Thanks a lot



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Someone publish the code. It's been 9 pages and several months and not one page has been uploaded. If you want to move this project along I suggest you open it up and let others take a look. I'm sure that with some abstraction you'll get more functionality overall and ensure the final solution to be scalable. Someone proposed a new shipping class earlier but that does not afford enough multiplicity to be meaningful.


I would suggest you upload the beta code you have and be sure to state in the release notes that it is beta and should not be installed. Then, developers can take a look at what you have and maybe offer some code for this project. Until it's open you're a one man island.



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Someone publish the code.  It's been 9 pages and several months and not one page has been uploaded.  If you want to move this project along I suggest you open it up and let others take a look.  I'm sure that with some abstraction you'll get more functionality overall and ensure the final solution to be scalable.  Someone proposed a new shipping class earlier but that does not afford enough multiplicity to be meaningful.


I would suggest you upload the beta code you have and be sure to state in the release notes that it is beta and should not be installed.  Then, developers can take a look at what you have and maybe offer some code for this project.  Until it's open you're a one man island.



I can certainly appreciate your point Bobby. I can tell from you involvement that you have a lot more experience with mods than I have. I have been doing my best and I have felt quite alone at times on this project. I do have some help though, Jim has been working on it the past month, and several others have offered and put some time in on this project. However, we have not reached a point yet to be able to release any code to anyone. The code is so deep in "beta" not many people would get anything other than errors. As soon as we have something to release for any kind of testing, we will do it. Believe me, help is something I am not afraid of. I have been willing to recieve input and any help from the beginning. I started this mess, and eventually, one way or the other, I will finish it. Criag :)

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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It is forum rules that if you discuss the code you have to release it *even in the beta state*. Harald and a few moderators stay on me like hawks and if I pulled something like this it would have never made it past page 2.


Now that I think about it...I feel a bit jaded now. Usually if I mention code and it's not released I get a PM from a moderator or team member telling me I have 24 hours to release it or the thread is to be deleted.


Once again, I encourage you to release the code with appropriate disclaimers and get some other people help you out.



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It is forum rules that if you discuss the code you have to release it *even in the beta state*.  Harald and a few moderators stay on me like hawks and if I pulled something like this it would have never made it past page 2.


Now that I think about it...I feel a bit jaded now.  Usually if I mention code and it's not released I get a PM from a moderator or team member telling me I have 24 hours to release it or the thread is to be deleted.


Once again, I encourage you to release the code with appropriate disclaimers and get some other people help you out.



I certainly never intended to "pull anything". I have had considerable difficulty with this mod. It is much more complicated than I had anticipated. I am sorry if I get yanked but we don't have any code yet that can be used. I am not even sure that "beta" is a reasonable description for what we've gotten done.

But when one get's down to it, I guess the community moderators need to do what they feel is in their best interests. I can take this forum on my own site I guess. And those who have contacted me personally can contact me again, it is open source of course, no matter what I have done. Then again, it is my work, so if I were to decide not to actually release it to anyone, not for sale and not for free, that also would be my prerogotive.

I hope they don't pull me for not being ready to release code that is nowhere near complete. I know I was told to release my first con before I was ready, and I have the emails to prove it. Some people don't pay much attention to "beta" or "testng only", and then they want help when it breaks. I FULLY support my mods, and I want it as close to right when it goes out as possible.

Again, I am doing the best I can, Craig :)


PS I doubt I am getting special treatment, I'm not that important. You can see from my activity that I am nothing special. I am sure your experiences here are more related to your much higher level of expertise.

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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Then again, it is my work, so if I were to decide not to actually release it to anyone, not for sale and not for free, that also would be my prerogotive

So, you're saying that when you get it completed and released you will be charging a fee for this mod??



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So, you're saying that when you get it completed and released you will be charging a fee for this mod??



Of course not! Open source is Open source. There is a reason it is called that. What I am saying is that if I were to be pulled from the osC comunity, I could easily decide to simply keep the code to myself. Not release to anyone for any reason. Or I could release it only to those that request it from me directly. There are fairly specific rules governing open source work. Once it is open source, it is difficuly at best to then be able to charge for the code itself. Some people charge for the service of supporting there open source code, or for "installing" their code. I have never done but I guess I could start. I just wanted a mod that would do this job for me and thought not only might I get some help with it, but other people might be interested in the same functionality. As it turns out there are a LOT of people intersted in this mod. But I'm not just about making money. I use such a small markup at my store in order to offer better prices because the prices shouldn't be 35% higher than what I or another distributor pays for it. That's not right, and it's not good business, at least not my business. I'm sorry if I somehow offended you by trying to get this code right, but that's what I am gouing to do. When I have something worth releasing for testing I will release it. To Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!.

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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geez...just release the code. It's not hard. You won't be releasing it to newbie webmasters. Believe me...I know my way around some PHP code. You won't throw any curve balls at me.


One member contacts me and asks if I'll help with this.


The second member contacts me and asks to help out.


I'm on the 5th member that has contacted me to help out. After 5 members contact me I usually try my best to affect progress. However, you are not allowing this to move forward due to your closed policy. Look, I have more contributions to my credit than can fit in my signature...I don't want your hard earned credit. You earned it. I just want to give the members what they want and hopefully in a timely manner.


I could code it from scratch and get it done in a few days but don't want to re-invent the wheel. If you've spent this long you should get the credit.


Just release the code.



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BTW Bobby, I like your site.

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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This has been posted to the contribution area here: Multi Vendor Shipping - Alpha Development Release


Thank you for the files.  Now, let's get down to developing this puppy...



I guess you got your wish. So what do you see so far? Any one?

Craig :)

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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With this new Mod, I have one question.

Will it be zones compatible?


For example, all products that are shipped in the UK, are either x cost per 10, or its a set cost for the set.


However anyone outside the UK, has to get a quote for their shippiing due to different export laws. So it would be handy to know if this will work with zones.



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With this new Mod, I have one question.

Will it be zones compatible?


For example, all products that are shipped in the UK, are either x cost per 10, or its a set cost for the set.


However anyone outside the UK, has to get a quote for their shippiing due to different export laws. So it would be handy to know if this will work with  zones.



It will be. At the moment it is not compatible with much of anything. Our intent is for it to be able to use ANY and ALL shipping modules available to osCommerce. There may well be code changes necessary for individual modules, but I plan to have everything available. Stay tuned! Craig :)

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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I have been waiting sooooo loooong for this. I have had MVS on my live store in one form or another for several months, maybe a year. And while it does work, it is VERY limited. Last I heard Tahuti and MoonLitSun were working on privately, but I haven't heard anything from either of them in several months and really thought they had given up on the project. I can't tell you how happy I am that you're working on this.


I have two test stores in addition to my live store and I'm going to download and install your code and see waht happens. I'm no coder, but I'll do whatever I can to help this project move forward.



Rick Knight

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I have been waiting sooooo loooong for this. I have had MVS on my live store in one form or another for several months, maybe a year. And while it does work, it is VERY limited. Last I heard Tahuti and MoonLitSun were working on privately, but I haven't heard anything from either of them in several months and really thought they had given up on the project. I can't tell you how happy I am that you're working on this.


I have two test stores in addition to my live store and I'm going to download and install your code and see waht happens. I'm no coder, but I'll do whatever I can to help this project move forward.



Rick Knight





Nope.....didnt disappear. However, we decided to move forward with it offline.



Carpe Carp: Seize the Fish.

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