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I can't tell you exactly how long it takes, but it wasn't very long. The conversion mostly involves changing the buttons and adding the references to template_top.php and template_bottom.php. Oh, and converting one box. It's not that hard.


Yes, I do intend to make a 2.3.1 release whenever I have the time. I've done the install on 2.3.1, but that is a very heavily modified store, so it's not that simple to extract the files. I'll probably have to do it over on a stock copy of 2.3.1 to get it right.





Ok Thanks Jim, I'll have a closer look at it..

  • 3 weeks later...

Ok Thanks Jim, I'll have a closer look at it..



Hello There, we hired a programmer had them installed the Ajax single check out page. We can't get the MVS (multi Vendor shipping) on this single page:





We had to switch off the Ajax check out until we can get it working. Out site is http://www.cottagecraftworks.com Any help is much appreciated We are will to pay somebody to get the job done. We have been using MVS for years and trying to help customers check out faster with user friendly interface.


Mark Stevens

[email protected]


Hi, Folks.


I install Oscommerce 2.3.1 and did make some change but only in the layout. Now I'm trying to put and install MSV in that store.

I did updated every file to the server and also the changes in the DB. For me everything was ok. But when I wanted login in the admin I got this error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function: tep_get_version() in /xxx/xxxx/xx/xx/xxxxxxxx/htdocs/xxxxxxx/catalog/admin/includes/header.php on line 20


This file does not change from the MSV so I don´t now realy what to do with that error.



I'll be grateful for any help ;)


tep_get_version() is a stock osCommerce 2.3 function. It's in catalog/includes/functions/general.php, lines 13-23. If you just replaced the stock file with the one from MVS, that's a bug. Oops. Try adding this near the top of the file:

// Get the installed version number
 function tep_get_version() {
   static $v;

   if (!isset($v)) {
     $v = trim(implode('', file(DIR_FS_CATALOG . 'includes/version.php')));

   return $v;

Thanks for pointing that out. I'll fix the distribution and upload a new one.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Please excuse my error; my mind was on something else. MVS for osC 2.3.1 has never been released. The code you have is for 2.2RC2a. You'll need to compare each file and copy over the MVS-related changes only. Don't copy entire files unless you know there are no changes in that file.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Hi Jim, Question:


Can you installed or is there a way to installed the MVS for the single Ajax check out cart:





We have tested many times and comes out to flat rate shipping and like to get the MVS showing on the Ajax check out cart. We have MVS live on the cottagecraftworks.com But the Single check out page which we are working is not live because the MVS is not showing.





I haven't tried that checkout Addon. You would need to modify it with the MVS changes to checkout_shipping.php. I have no idea how complex that would be.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


Please excuse my error; my mind was on something else. MVS for osC 2.3.1 has never been released. The code you have is for 2.2RC2a. You'll need to compare each file and copy over the MVS-related changes only. Don't copy entire files unless you know there are no changes in that file.





Ok, I see. I´ve still the 2.2rc2a version installed so I´ll try to put MSV in that version Then with more time and calm I ´ll jump unto the work to make it workable for 2.3.1. Everyone is invited to do so and maybe we can release it together.





Ok, I see. I´ve still the 2.2rc2a version installed so I´ll try to put MSV in that version Then with more time and calm I ´ll jump unto the work to make it workable for 2.3.1. Everyone is invited to do so and maybe we can release it together.




Hi Jim,


I´m working just now with the instalation from MVS in oscommerce (2.2rc2a). I´m working with the language Spanish. In the distribution that you did there are 4 languages folder with his modules/vendor_shipping folder in it. Only in the spanish folder there is no vendor_shipping folder. I´m worhing with the zone.php and want to integrate this modules with the MVS.

Can I use the zone.php that I´ve from spanish in the shipping folder. I dink that I´ve to make the vendor_shipping folder and put this file in it.... Am I right?


danks....I´m just a litle bit confused

Posted (edited)

Ok, I finish to install MVS in Oscommerce 2.2rc.2a. There is some problems with the shipp estimator and the admin panel. I think that is becose there are files missing for the languages (spanish) But the most important was that looking at the module I don't find it works the way I needed.

The best will be that I try to explain the esenario that I've to see if you gays can help me somehow.

I sell products that will be sent from different parts of the world so I have to give each product a different shipping cost. I'm working with the module zone.php, where I can set several different areas and costs. But this configuration is for all the items the same. What I need is to be able to set up zones tables for each items separetly or to make costumers/vendors accounts and then assign this zone tables to them........

I thougt tha MVS was able to do that...........but now i'm not shure.

Can any body help me with that?......Perhaps this is going out of this topic but it startet with MVS......I shust need an indication to now in wich direction I've to look. Shust now I am groping in the dark. :(


Danks a lot

Edited by dafonk

I have no idea if the Spanish language files are complete; I didn't do the translation. If there are files missing, copy over the corresponding file from the english directory and translate the defines.


I'm not sure that I understand your requirements. Do you need a different shipping fee for each product, or just for each group of products? You can set up a vendor for each group of products that has a common shipping method or source, then set up your shipping table for that vendor.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

Posted (edited)

Thanks for your answer. I´ll work out the spanish translation.

Sorry, my english is not the best but you have understand me well enough. I need a diferent shipping fee for each product. I´ll try to explain my esenario in a better way. If I sale a product that will be send from Mexico, I need to make a table (like zone.php) to configure the shipping fee to National(Mexico), Suthamerica, USA, Europe, etc. from Mexico. When the product will be send from, let say, Spain. I need to make the same and configure another table with the shipping fees from Spain to National(Spain), USA, Suthamerica, etc... and so on.

I have no product groups but I sale products that will be sent from around the world, so I've to give a product that will be send from Spain a diferent table with the diferents shipping fee zones that a product that will be send from Mexico.

With zone.php I can make a table with diferents zones and his shippings fee but it is for all the products and I need to do so for each product separately.

Do you think that it is posible to do this with the MVS module? Is there a way to integrate zone.php with MVS or it is posible to set up in MVS tables with diferentes shippings zones and his shippings fees?


Danks a lot for yor help or orientation thumbsup.gif

Edited by dafonk

The Individual Shipping module sounds like what you want. It's available in the Addons section. You don't need MVS to use it.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


I have the same error. I can not start from scratch as too many products on now. What do i need to run comparison on original 2.3.1 and MVS1.2.3? I am so frazzled by all this. I can never kick myself so hard for no backup. Is there an upgrade version on 2.3.1 I can just load?

Posted (edited)

Danks, Jim


I was reading the indivual shipping module and as far as I understoud is more for give each product the diferents shipping methods.

But I think with that and zone.php I can get to do something that works.

Just a question. Is there a way to return back all changes that I did to the database during the MVS insalation?


Danks for your help...

Edited by dafonk

Sure, just upload your backup files over the files you modified with MVS. You can back out the database changes using your database admin tool, but that's not absolutely necessary as the changes are harmless.


You can also just turn off MVS in your Admin and leave the changes in, just in case you need MVS in the future.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.


A couple of things.

1) I need to have a setting for Freight Collect where a truck shipped order goes cod for the shipping only.

2) Will there be an update for the changes in USPS and UPS?


Any help would be most appreciated.




1. There is no module for freight COD, but you could use the Flat module and change the text.

2. You can modify the USPS and UPS modules using the instructions in the MVS distribution.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I have used MVS for a long time but I received a letter from USPS that states that the old API that my USPS for MVS module (version 1.2.3) is using will be discontinued soon. I saw Jim's post above, dated 11 Sept 2011, and tried to modify the new version 6.1 USPS shipping module to work with MVS. I started to modify the new usps shipping module using the instructions in the MVS distribution, but I got lost in the complexity of the usps code, which includes such things as required package sizes, as well as international rates, and insurance. This is frustrating as I don't need anything from the usps module other than domestic Express Mail and Priority Mail. Currently I am using cigarsforless' usps methods for MVS. Has anyone looked at the new usps module with the intention of making it work with MVS?




  • 1 month later...
Posted (edited)

Since I am having such issues trying to get MVS to work with OSC 2.3.1 I am thinking to just use version 2.2 instead.


1) I would need to use 2.2 rc2a which i believe is the latest in the 2.2 series?

2) Will I just be able to copy and overwrite the existing files from MVS to my webserver or is a manual install needed?

3) Last question, where can I get a copy of OSC 2.2 rc2a?

4) Are there any security updates to 2.2 rc2a that have been released after 2.2 rc2a that would apply to 2.2 rc2a? Where would I download that?


Thanks in advance,


Edited by bmw000

1. I don't recommend that. You would have to update it to fix the bugs (including security holes) and then you are left with an obsolete version.


2. You can overwrite files if you use 2.2RC2a. I recommend that you use 2.3.1 and modify the files instead.


3. There used to be a copy on Github, but I don't see it there now.


4. Yes, you need to get the 2.3.1 package and apply the updates marked SEC. I recommend the BUG updates as well. Depending on the PHP version of your server, you may need to apply the COMPAT and SQL fixes as well. Some of the UP fixes should also be done as they impact security (e.g. .htaccess protection of the images directory.) That's 48 bugfixes. You're going to be busy. It would probably be easier to apply MVS to 2.3.1.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

Posted (edited)

Is it possible to implement one page checkout with multi vendor shipping. Or possible to implement one page checkout with any other 3rd party checkout addons? Thanks.

Edited by sahilsaid

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