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The shipping selected is shown in the order for each customer. The data is stored in the orders_shipping table. If that table is empty, yo have an error in your installation of MVS, somewhere on the catalog side.






Thank you. I will look over the code this weekend. I figured that once I looked in the DB and didn't see anything I had an error somewhere.

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Thank you. I will look over the code this weekend. I figured that once I looked in the DB and didn't see anything I had an error somewhere.


The code where the query is run to update the table looks fine and matches exactly what was in the same file for MVS so it is not there.


I am thinking that maybe a variable is not being passed so there would be no data to add to the table but I have no idea where to start looking. This is a heavily modified cart and I am at a loss right this minute.


Any suggestions. I am having a hard time following the code from one place to another.

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Start with the table update query. Add print statements just before that code using some of the variables that get added to the database. That will tell you if the data is missing at that point. If it is, follow the data back, adding print statements wherever the data is accessed. You could also start from the Shipping page and follow the data the other direction. Either way will find the error eventually.




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Hey people,


I have been thinking a bit about how I would like to see my order system work and need some advice from you on this forum... I hope you can help.


Can MVS do the following? Or does it exist any contribution that allows this following sequence of ordering?


Let's say I have a few products showing up on my low stock report. I then want to click a button to order those products in the amounts defined by the suppliers minimum order quantity (which I have stored in products data for that vendor). Alternatively, I could make an order of products to a supplier disregarding low stock reports, but according to the suppliers minimum quantities.


In both cases an order is made in osc admin, where I then can track if I have sent the order request by email or not. When the order has been sent I then wait for the products to arrive. When they arrive at my door and I check that everything is ok, I then want to be able to go into the order in osc admin and click that it has arrived, which then adds the products in the order to my stock.


This allows me to separate orders from customers that I will ship and the orders I need to make to suppliers according to their minimum quantities, as well as track the arrival of them and populate my stock automatically.


Is this possible with MVS, or any other contrib?


Thanks a bunch for you input :D




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simple question I think...I have mvs and have added some shipping otions to a vendor...i click the install button and nothing comes up on the right panel to "edit" the little 0 shows up on my shipping list and it shows up on my checkout for that vendors products, (ie i picked upsxml and flat rate, neither will let me edit but both are showing up @ checkout)They act like they did not install.


i would just uninstall, but again the right panel options are not there for that particular option but other shipping otions come up fine in admin and calculate fine in checkout. how can i take those options off that vendor or fix the admin section so that the are edible?

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simple question I think...I have mvs and have added some shipping otions to a vendor...i click the install button and nothing comes up on the right panel to "edit" the little 0 shows up on my shipping list and it shows up on my checkout for that vendors products, (ie i picked upsxml and flat rate, neither will let me edit but both are showing up @ checkout)They act like they did not install.


i would just uninstall, but again the right panel options are not there for that particular option but other shipping otions come up fine in admin and calculate fine in checkout. how can i take those options off that vendor or fix the admin section so that the are edible?

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The right column loads last, so it's likely that it is stopping at an error before it loads that part. Check your error logs, or turn on ALL errors in your admin/includes/application_top.php, and look for errors.




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Thanks. I guess it's confusing because MVS packs its own UPSXML module, which has a lot of the changes for dimensional support already implemented, yet not enabled. And it's not clear what version of UPSXML MVS is using.

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MVS is using an older version of UPSXML. I'm not sure exactly which one, but the file header should give some hints. I want to update it to the latest version but I just don't have the time.




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  • 1 month later...

I have recently installed MVS on my site and most of the functionality seems to work fine. The problem that I am having is that when trying to use the shipping estimator, it returns a blank page. I have also tried to use the test.php but it does the same.

When the shipping estimator page loads, there no fields to enter any additional information. I am not sure if there are any others trying to use MVS in conjunction with STS and I am not sure if that STS is in any way even a factor with the problems I am experiencing.


I have installed and tested some of the modules without using the shipping estimator and they present the shipping costs.

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I have recently installed MVS on my site and most of the functionality seems to work fine. The problem that I am having is that when trying to use the shipping estimator, it returns a blank page. I have also tried to use the test.php but it does the same.

When the shipping estimator page loads, there no fields to enter any additional information. I am not sure if there are any others trying to use MVS in conjunction with STS and I am not sure if that STS is in any way even a factor with the problems I am experiencing.


I have installed and tested some of the modules without using the shipping estimator and they present the shipping costs.


After posting it occurred to me that I could just turn off STS. MVS works without STS active. The problem is that when I am not logged in, I can't get quote.

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The blank page means that there was a fatal error and you have error messages turned off. Check your server's error log or turn on ALL errors in includes/application_top.php.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jim,


I have my UPS ( xml ) module installed under Vendor shipping modules in the Admin section with the rate access key, username, and password installed. This is what i receive on the store end when placing an order : "United Parcel Service (XML) United Parcel Service (XML)

Rating and Service 1.0001 0 An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway : Rating and Service 1.0001 0 An unknown error occured while attempting to contact the UPS gateway

If you prefer to use ups as your shipping method, please contact Wild Island Trading Company via Email."


Any idea what's wrong. I don't have UPS listed in the Admin under "modules" it's only under "vendor shipping modules" ... maybe I don't have it really installed??

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You have the module installed for MVS, but not for stock osCommerce. This is not a problem if you're only using MVS.


The error message is generic. You need to find out what the real error is. Go to catalog/includes/modules/vendors_shipping/upsxml.php and follow the instructions on Line 50. If you can't figure out the error from the log file, post the whole thing here.




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Here what the log says: Time in Transit



































Error from cURL: Error [60]: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK. Details:

error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed



Time in Transit: 0

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That's a CURL error. It is attempting to use a SSL connection to the UPS server. There appears to be some problem with your SSL certificate. Talk to your host about this, or whoever installed your cert.




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Hi Jim,


I need some help.


In checkout_shipping.php page, I need to add the vendor_name and vendor_city where says "Products from this vendor"


Something like "Products to ship from "vendor_name" on "vendor_city""


I don´t know if I must add code in the following lines:

              $quote[0]['methods'][0]['title'] = FREE_SHIPPING_TITLE;
             $quote[0]['methods'][0]['cost'] = '0';
           } else {
             $total_weight = $vendor_shipping[$vendor_id]['weight'];
             $shipping_weight = $total_weight;
             $cost = $vendor_shipping[$vendor_id]['cost'];
             $total_count = $vendor_shipping[$vendor_id]['qty'];
             $quote = $shipping_modules->quote($method, $module, $vendor_id);

           if (isset($quote['error'])) {
           } else {
             if ( (isset($quote[0]['methods'][0]['title'])) && (isset($quote[0]['methods'][0]['cost'])) ) {
               $output[$vendor_id] = array('id' => $module . '_' . $method,
                                           'title' => $quote[0]['methods'][0]['title'],
                                           'ship_tax' => $ship_tax,
                                           'products' => $products_array,
                                           'cost' => $quote[0]['methods'][0]['cost']			    


Thanks in advance.

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You could add the information to the title field of that $output array. You'll need to pull the data from the vendors table using vendors_id first.




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Thanks for the great contribution everything else is working Except I am getting an mysql error in checkout_process.php:


1366 - Incorrect integer value: '' for column 'vendors_id' at row 1

insert into orders_products (orders_id, products_id, products_model, products_name, products_price, final_price, products_tax, products_quantity, vendors_id) values ('124', '246', '', 'Coffee Service Medium', '22.9500', '22.95', '0', '1', '')



I`ve tracked it down to this code:


//MVS - added 'vendors_id' => ...
   $sql_data_array = array('orders_id' => $insert_id, 
                           'products_id' => tep_get_prid($order->products[$i]['id']), 
                           'products_model' => $order->products[$i]['model'], 
                           'products_name' => $order->products[$i]['name'], 
                           'products_price' => $order->products[$i]['price'], 
                           'final_price' => $order->products[$i]['final_price'], 
                           'products_tax' => $order->products[$i]['tax'], 
                           'products_quantity' => $order->products[$i]['qty'],
                           'vendors_id' => $order->products[$i]['vendors_id']);

   tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS_PRODUCTS, $sql_data_array);
   $order_products_id = tep_db_insert_id();


I am not sure why its not getting the proper vendors_id.. Any ideas whats wrong?

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