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Multi_Vendor_Shipping new thread


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Hi Jim,


Thanks for the response, much appreciated. I have checked the line you mentioned in OT_Shipping and it is indeed correct as you indicated. In fact i have compared all my OT files with original Oscommerce files and they are among the few to have escaped unmodded so they are bog standard oscommerce.

Sorry, I didn't make myself clear. I was fairly certain that those lines are there, I'm just not sure that they are working correctly with MVS. Try printing out the variables to see if they are being set to a proper value. The code that I quoted should evaluate to a non-blank string. Try inserting something like this just before that line:

print 'Shipping Method: ' . $order->info['shipping_method'];

If that looks OK, try the same thing with $module, which should also produce a string (the module name, or one of them anyway.) If either or both of those are blank the tax will not get added into the final total.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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Jim and Bozmium, DJmonkey and I have been fooling with the shipping tax (for different reasons) and found that it is being calculated in our test stores. Even when multiple taxes are set and we can find added or compounded taxes can be set and are calculated correctly. Know this though, shipping taxes are set in the shipping modules themselves and when it comes to totaling the taxes get grouped into a total and are no longer seperate. IE if you have a state tax of 10% and a national tax of 10% you will find them in the orders_products table under products_tax as 20% or (21% if compound tax) and listed for each item seperately.


Bozmium, I am sorry you are having such a frustrating time with this. Since I have found it working in two other test stores I have to assume that this is specific to your site and someone would need to physically go over your site to help you locate the bug.

Edited by HallMarc
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Jim and Bozmium, DJmonkey and I have been fooling with the shipping tax (for different reasons) and found that it is being calculated in our test stores. Even when multiple taxes are set and we can find added or compounded taxes can be set and are calculated correctly. Know this though, shipping taxes are set in the shipping modules themselves and when it comes to totaling the taxes get grouped into a total and are no longer seperate. IE if you have a state tax of 10% and a national tax of 10% you will find them in the orders_products table under products_tax as 20% or (21% if compound tax) and listed for each item seperately.


Bozmium, I am sorry you are having such a frustrating time with this. Since I have found it working in two other test stores I have to assume that this is specific to your site and someone would need to physically go over your site to help you locate the bug.


Hi HallMarc,


Tanks for getting back. Yes its the last little thing thats irking me know. I have managed to hack my way to getting most of the other tax figures correct but this one just wont go. Im not sure what it is. I have Chemos tep get tax rate update installed which im thinking might be part of the (but what would i know) but apart from that i have no idea. I have been through all my shipping modules, tax class files and includes which pertain to both MVS and original Oscommerce and for the life of me they all come up comparing ok.




Anyway the rest of the mod is pretty smashing and im much happier with how thats working than the one line that isnt.



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I have been in contact with the Freight Rate company. They have just created a new API for comparing LTL freight carriers and returning the one with the lowest cost.


I have a customer who is looking to add this functionality and I am considering adding it myself, but it would probably be an ugly hack-job. I'd much rather see someone who really knows what they are doing take it on and make sure it doesn't break other functions.


I'd gladly make a donation to help with the continued development if that would useful. Any interest in seeing the API documentation?



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I have seen this error a few times and am having a hard time remembering what exactly causes it.


However, try this; around line 45 of catalog/includes/modules/vendors_shipping/spu.php, replace the whole

function sort_order with

	function sort_order($vendors_id='1') 
			   { $sort_order = 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_SORT_ORDER_' . $vendors_id;
				 if (defined($sort_order)) 
				 	{ $this->sort_order = constant($sort_order);
				 	{ $this->sort_order = '-';
				 return $this->sort_order;


This also corrects the issue where the sort order was always showing as 0 when it wasn't installed.

You can use the same sort_order function above for all the vendors_shipping modules as long as you make sure the constant "MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_SORT_ORDER_" is named properly.


ie in catalog/includes/modules/vendors_shipping/upsxml.php it would read "MODULE_SHIPPING_UPSXML_SORT_ORDER_"


Thanks Marc! I'm back in town and hoping to lay this issue to rest, but couldn't find a likely place to the code you provided... couldn't find that function called (or is the newb in me gleaming?) :blush:


Here's my spu.php (actually copied from includes/modules/shipping during install attempt...) from the path you gave:

$Id: spu.php,v 1.4 2002/11/10 14:29:56 mattice Exp $
 CONTRIB is Store Pickup Shipping Module (http://www.oscommerce.com/community/contributions,164)
 Based upon flat.php / spu.php by M. Halvorsen (http://www.arachnia-web.com)

 Made to work with latest check-out procedure by Matthijs (Mattice)
 >> e-mail:	[email protected] 
 >> site:	  [url=http://www.matthijs.org]http://www.matthijs.org[/url]


osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions

 Copyright ? 2003 osCommerce

 Released under the GNU General Public License

  - formatted to work with latest checkout procedure
  - removed icon references
  - updated the db queries


 class spu {
var $code, $title, $description, $icon, $enabled;

// class constructor
function spu() {
  global $order;

  $this->code = 'spu';
	$this->sort_order = MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_SORT_ORDER;
  $this->icon = '';
  $this->enabled = ((MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_STATUS == 'True') ? true : false);

  if ( ($this->enabled == true) && ((int)MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_ZONE > 0) ) {
	$check_flag = false;
	$check_query = tep_db_query("select zone_id from " . TABLE_ZONES_TO_GEO_ZONES . " where geo_zone_id = '" . MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_ZONE . "' and zone_country_id = '" . $order->delivery['country']['id'] . "' order by zone_id");
	while ($check = tep_db_fetch_array($check_query)) {
	  if ($check['zone_id'] < 1) {
		$check_flag = true;
	  } elseif ($check['zone_id'] == $order->delivery['zone_id']) {
		$check_flag = true;

	if ($check_flag == false) {
	  $this->enabled = false;

// class methods

function quote($method = '') {
  global $order;

  $this->quotes = array('id' => $this->code,
						'methods' => array(array('id' => $this->code,
												 'title' => MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_TEXT_WAY,
												 'cost' =>  MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_COST)));

  if (tep_not_null($this->icon)) $this->quotes['icon'] = tep_image($this->icon, $this->title);

  return $this->quotes;

function check() {
  if (!isset($this->_check)) {
	$check_query = tep_db_query("select configuration_value from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key = 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_STATUS'");
	$this->_check = tep_db_num_rows($check_query);
  return $this->_check;

function install() {
  tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, set_function, date_added) values ('Enable Store Pick Up', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_STATUS', 'True', 'Do you want to offer Store Pickup?', '6', '0', 'tep_cfg_select_option(array(\'True\', \'False\'), ', now())");
  tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Store Pickup Cost', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_COST', '0.00', 'What is the pickup cost? (The Handling fee will NOT be added.)', '6', '0', now())");
	tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, use_function, set_function, date_added) values ('Shipping Zone', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_ZONE', '0', 'If a zone is selected, only enable this shipping method for that zone.', '6', '0', 'tep_get_zone_class_title', 'tep_cfg_pull_down_zone_classes(', now())");
  tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " (configuration_title, configuration_key, configuration_value, configuration_description, configuration_group_id, sort_order, date_added) values ('Sort Order', 'MODULE_SHIPPING_SPU_SORT_ORDER', '0', 'Sort order of display.', '6', '0', now())");

function remove() {
  $keys = '';
  $keys_array = $this->keys();
  for ($i=0; $i<sizeof($keys_array); $i++) {
	$keys .= "'" . $keys_array[$i] . "',";
  $keys = substr($keys, 0, -1);

  tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_CONFIGURATION . " where configuration_key in (" . $keys . ")");

function keys() {


Might you guide me towards the correct location to add the "function sort_order" lines?

Edited by Caver Dave
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There is already a version of SPU modified for MVS in the MVS contrib section. The package MVS_ADD_ONS also contains First Item Plus and FreeAmount modified for MVS. Each of these requires no file modifications to use, just install via the Vendor Manager and go.


On another note, this is a partial list of the bug fixes and updates to be included in the next release of MVS:

  • Fix no shipping selected
  • Fix automatic shipping selection
  • Fix "sort order" in all modules
  • Fix "order_total" in the Table Rates module
  • Fix "comments" in "vendor_order_data.php"
  • FedEx updates
  • UPSXML updates
  • USPS updates(I have updated the code to allow the module to work in "Test Mode", still debugging, but looks very promising, hopefully will be finished this week)
  • Update to loading "vendor_shippng.php"
  • Additional address line in the Vendor Editor
  • Update to Packing Slip
  • Updated "admin/index.php" file
  • Updates to the "vendors product report"
  • Updates to the "vendors orders report"
  • An updated "price updater" will be included
  • A few other "options" will be added as well

I am still reading through the entire thread for anything I have missed, if anyone can find or think of anything else, please let me know.


Craig :)

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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I have been in contact with the Freight Rate company. They have just created a new API for comparing LTL freight carriers and returning the one with the lowest cost.


I have a customer who is looking to add this functionality and I am considering adding it myself, but it would probably be an ugly hack-job. I'd much rather see someone who really knows what they are doing take it on and make sure it doesn't break other functions.


I'd gladly make a donation to help with the continued development if that would useful. Any interest in seeing the API documentation?



I am interested, but may not be able to get it for a week or 2. You can send me a copy email. Contact via PM and I will send you my email address directly.


Craig :)

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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There is already a version of SPU modified for MVS in the MVS contrib section. The package MVS_ADD_ONS also contains First Item Plus and FreeAmount modified for MVS. Each of these requires no file modifications to use, just install via the Vendor Manager and go.


On another note, this is a partial list of the bug fixes and updates to be included in the next release of MVS:

  • Fix no shipping selected
  • Fix automatic shipping selection
  • Fix "sort order" in all modules
  • Fix "order_total" in the Table Rates module
  • Fix "comments" in "vendor_order_data.php"
  • FedEx updates
  • UPSXML updates
  • USPS updates(I have updated the code to allow the module to work in "Test Mode", still debugging, but looks very promising, hopefully will be finished this week)
  • Update to loading "vendor_shippng.php"
  • Additional address line in the Vendor Editor
  • Update to Packing Slip
  • Updated "admin/index.php" file
  • Updates to the "vendors product report"
  • Updates to the "vendors orders report"
  • An updated "price updater" will be included
  • A few other "options" will be added as well

I am still reading through the entire thread for anything I have missed, if anyone can find or think of anything else, please let me know.


Craig :)


I am eagerly awaiting the next roll up release for a copy of UPSXML.php that has the insurance part working correctly.


It would also be great to be able to add the fees for "Signature Required" for shipments that are over $200 in value. I think hard coding to check if value is over 200.00 then add the 2.25 fee would work, or it could get the info from UPS?


I also would like to add insurance and Signature Required fees (1.35) to USPS module as well.


Any suggestions on how to code it?



Check out my live stores at:



(both sites are tied to same database!)

Jim Bullen - President

The Cigar Hut Group of Companies


still using these installed 2.3x add-ons: 

PWA, MVS, Easy Populate, Dynamic Sitemap, Featured Products, MVS Order Editor, MVS Shipping Estimator, Google XML Sitemap, About Us, Ad Tracker, Address Enhancer, Also Purchased, Backorders, Category Descriptions, Dynamic Meta Tags, Contact Us Email Subjects, Country state Selector, Extra Address Line, Order Number in Email Subject, OSC Affiliate, Product Extra Fields, Review Approval System, Reviews in Product Display, Sold Out, Sold Out (but Displayed), Ultimate SEO URL's, Updated Spiders, Welcome Email Password, Pending Order Email, Who's Online Enhancement, CCGV, Easy Discounts, Customer Comments, Request a Review, Sales Report, plus many many more!

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I am working on implementing the "Signature" option in both, but havn't gotten deeply into it yet. Hope to be able to include it with the MVS updated package, but may have to put that off if it looks to take too much time.



Can you email a fully updated copy of your UPSXML file so I can make sure I have all the updates you have accomplished?


I want to make sure this package is as up to date as possible.


Thanks, Craig :)

Happy Coding!

Craig Garrison Sr

Anything worth having, is worth working for.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Catalog

3 Vendors, each category, "buy" a product from each category to see how MVS works during checkout.

Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1 Demo Admin

login: [email protected]

pass: mvs_demo

MVS Thread:

Multi-Vendor Shipping

My contribs:

Download Multi Vendor Shipping V1.1

Vendor Email

Vendor Info in easypopulate

EZ Price Updater

And more to come!

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OK hoping this is the last little niggly bug for the moment.


I have developed the ability to replace sleep with vast amounts of caffeine & nicotine and 20 mins of photosynthesis a day but feel i am close enough to make it worthwhile.


I have installed the MZMT module into my MVS. It works well so far. My thanks to the author for sharing.


One issue: When the customer mouseovers the various shipping options and selects an option, the ROW is selected as per normal but the radiobutton is not selected. Only if the customer clicks directly on top of the radiobutton itself does it actually 'check'.


This is of course an unthinkable as i can already see the queue of people lining up to make their inappropriate and innattentive shipping choices, thinking that because the row had highlighted that the button had checked also.


I will use the checkout payment as a comparo as it works fine - click anywhere in the highlighted row and the radiobutton is checked. Beautiful.


The lines which control this in the standard checkout_shipping are (or appear to be):



if ( ($n > 1) || ($n2 > 1) ) {


<td class="smalltext"><?php echo $currencies->format($quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['cost']) . tep_draw_hidden_field('shipping', $quotes[$i]['id'] . '_' . $quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['id'] . '_' . $shipping_tax); ?></td>

<td class="smalltext" align="right"><?php echo tep_draw_radio_field('shipping', $quotes[$i]['id'] . '_' . $quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['id'], $checked); ?></td>


} else {



etc etc.


Note how the selection area (made im assuming with the tep hidden field command) runs the entire length of the <td>and the radio button is dropped in the next <td> cell at the end. Groovy.


Heres the same line from the modules/vendor_shipping file:



if ( ($n > 1) || ($n2 > 1) ) {


<td class="smalltext"><?php echo $currencies->format($quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['cost']); ?></td>

<td class="smalltext" align="right">


echo tep_draw_radio_field('shipping_' . $vendor_id, $quotes[$i]['id'] . '_' . $quotes[$i]['methods'][$j]['id'] . '_' . $shipping_tax, $checked);

echo tep_draw_hidden_field('products_' . $vendor_id, implode("_", $products_ids));





} else {



It appears to me that the tep hidden field has been relegated to the very end of the row with the radio button itself, and hence you have to be right on top of it to get it to check. I know enough about my clients to know this is a no no.


I have fooled around and shuffled the tep draw radio & tep draw hidden field around and have even copied the lines directly from checkout_shipping into vendor_shipping, and though the figures werent right (expected) the functionality of the rowover and radio button was closer to what it should be.


So - anyone, including the author, know a way we can rewrite this to return the ROWover and radio buttons to their original intended function? I know enough to be dangerous and not enough to be useful so all my attempts were met with various abnormal behaviours.


I wait with baited breath the sure avalanche of replies. Much bowing and scraping bestowed upon anyone who can offer an alternative! ;)


Cheers & thanks!



And with a 9 in 10 search rate success the no.1 returned Oscommerce forum hit:

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Never fails.


Every time.

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I have the MVS version. That's what this thread is for. I will look at the other mod soon.


There is already a version of SPU modified for MVS in the MVS contrib section. The package MVS_ADD_ONS also contains First Item Plus and FreeAmount modified for MVS. Each of these requires no file modifications to use, just install via the Vendor Manager and go.


Craig :)


OMGosh! :blush: :blush: :blush:


I completely missed this when browsing the contrib... I have added the correct spu.php and all is functioning as advertised. Again, thanks for the awesome support and handholding to this ultra newb. I can only hope that in the future (once I gain a clue about PHP), I can contribute my assistance in this worthy cause! :thumbsup:

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I wait with baited breath the sure avalanche of replies. Much bowing and scraping bestowed upon anyone who can offer an alternative! ;)

OK, now stop holding your breath -- you're turning blue....


The standard behaviour of a radio button is to select when you click on the button itself. Anything else is not supported in HTML. The effect that you want requires some JavaScript magic. That's what that JavaScript at the top of the page does. It's called in the table row for each row that contains a radio button.


The problem is not in the hidden field; it doesn't seem to matter where that is. The problem is that we have changed the name of the radio button from shipping to shipping_1 (for vendor #1.) That addition is confusing the JavaScript.


Now, this is when I get into trouble. I'm not a Java programmer. I know just enough to see where the problem is. I can make this work (for Vendor #1) by manually changing shipping to shipping_1 everywhere in the JavaScript function, but I don't know how to do that for the generic case. Or maybe it isn't possible, and we will need to use PHP to write cases for all of the vendors that appear on the page. That I could do.


So, I will wait for a more knowledgeable opinion on the JavaScript. If none is forthcoming, or somebody tells me that it's impossible to do it that way, then I'll write something in PHP to fix the problem.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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A small milestone was reached earlier today! I rec'd the first order via my oscommerce store! B)


However, there looks to be a "malfunctions" or 2 :blink: ... I'll attempt to describe the situation and behaviour in hopes the savy folks might offer me (clueless) some guidance...


1) "Customer #1" places an order for 6 items.


2) 1 item from "Vendor A", (FedEx & UPS)


3) 1 item from "Vendor B", & (UPS only)


4) 4 items from "Vendor C", (UPS only)


5) The customer rec'd an order confirmation, correctly showing all items ordered, but missing the shipping for all items from Vendor C... (he's a friend that forwarded the email on my request)


6) When I view the order via admin/cutomers/orders/edit, I can only see the items from Vendors A & B (showing the 2 items, the shipping cost & methods... 1 via FedEx, 1 via UPS), &7 customer comments. While I cannot see the items from vendor C, the totals for all items, plus shipping for the items I can see appear to be correct.


The 4 items from Vendor C all weigh well over several hundred pounds... I thought that possibly it pooched because it tallied over the UPS weight limit? Does this sound plausible? If so, is there a way to split an order from a single vendor that combines for mucho weight into separate shipments?


If this doesn't sound like the cause, where should I go from here? I'm more than happy to include any additional info/code that might help pinpoint the issues cause!



Dave (mega-NEWB :wacko: )

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OK, now stop holding your breath -- you're turning blue....


The standard behaviour of a radio button is to select when you click on the button itself. Anything else is not supported in HTML. The effect that you want requires some JavaScript magic. That's what that JavaScript at the top of the page does. It's called in the table row for each row that contains a radio button.


The problem is not in the hidden field; it doesn't seem to matter where that is. The problem is that we have changed the name of the radio button from shipping to shipping_1 (for vendor #1.) That addition is confusing the JavaScript.


Now, this is when I get into trouble. I'm not a Java programmer. I know just enough to see where the problem is. I can make this work (for Vendor #1) by manually changing shipping to shipping_1 everywhere in the JavaScript function, but I don't know how to do that for the generic case. Or maybe it isn't possible, and we will need to use PHP to write cases for all of the vendors that appear on the page. That I could do.


So, I will wait for a more knowledgeable opinion on the JavaScript. If none is forthcoming, or somebody tells me that it's impossible to do it that way, then I'll write something in PHP to fix the problem.





Hi Jim,


Aha! I see! Thanks for getting back. What i will do if that is the case is just disable the rowSelect function so that the clients will have to go by the radio button. Be interested to see if its actually possible to do the way you said.


Cheers :thumbsup:

And with a 9 in 10 search rate success the no.1 returned Oscommerce forum hit:

"The administrator has enabled flood control - please try again in 30 seconds."


Never fails.


Every time.

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The 4 items from Vendor C all weigh well over several hundred pounds... I thought that possibly it pooched because it tallied over the UPS weight limit? Does this sound plausible? If so, is there a way to split an order from a single vendor that combines for mucho weight into separate shipments?

If the weight limit that you have set is exceeded, the UPS module should break the shipment into multiple packages that each meet the weight limit. It's not intelligent, it just assumes the smallest number of equal-weight packages that will meet the limit.


For the other problem, look in your database for the records of the order. Look at the orders_products table first. This will probably be the most recent order (or the only order if you have cleaned up any test orders.) Are all of the products listed? Make note of the orders_id number, then go look in the orders_shipping table under that number. Is shipping for all three vendors listed? Are the shipping costs reasonable? If there is data missing from the database, the problem is most likely on the Catalog side, possibly in checkout_process.php. If the database is correct, the problem is most likely in the Admin side.




See my profile for a list of my addons and ways to get support.

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If the weight limit that you have set is exceeded, the UPS module should break the shipment into multiple packages that each meet the weight limit. It's not intelligent, it just assumes the smallest number of equal-weight packages that will meet the limit.


That's what I "assumed" would happen, thanks for the clarification!


For the other problem, look in your database for the records of the order. Look at the orders_products table first. This will probably be the most recent order (or the only order if you have cleaned up any test orders.) Are all of the products listed?


Yes, All items are listed!


Make note of the orders_id number, then go look in the orders_shipping table under that number. Is shipping for all three vendors listed?


No, only for the for the first 2 vendors (Vendor #1 = FedEx & Vendor #3 = UPS)... no mention of Vendor #4 :(



Are the shipping costs reasonable?


Do you mean are they (close to) correct or obviously incorrect? If so, yes, they appear to be correct based on the weights & location (based on prior "manually" ciphered shipments of like product)


If there is data missing from the database, the problem is most likely on the Catalog side, possibly in checkout_process.php. If the database is correct, the problem is most likely in the Admin side.


>_< OK, since this seems to point to the catalog side, let me give you some info that I just saw... I have a total of 3 vendors (vendors_id 1,3, & 4). Could the missing "vendor_id 2" be causing an issue? I'm guessing I had #2 at some point, but deleted that vendor, causing the numbering? Vendors #3 & #4 have NULL for several values like "date_added" & "last_modified", even though they show as "enabled" and have been modified (changed addresses, etc.) in an attempt to change the nulls in the db...


Would a copy of my checkout_process.php help? I have not modified the stock code from the install (used MVS Rollup/22Jan2006 unpon recommendation)...



Again, thanks for the help Jim! I'm a fairly accomplished system admin (75% Windoze & 25% Linux) with a decent amount of HTML thrown in, but trying to understand PHP & it's processes has me feeling like I just got my first PC... again!

Edited by Caver Dave
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>_< OK, since this seems to point to the catalog side, let me give you some info that I just saw... I have a total of 3 vendors (vendors_id 1,3, & 4). Could the missing "vendor_id 2" be causing an issue? I'm guessing I had #2 at some point, but deleted that vendor, causing the numbering? Vendors #3 & #4 have NULL for several values like "date_added" & "last_modified", even though they show as "enabled" and have been modified (changed addresses, etc.) in an attempt to change the nulls in the db...


Would a copy of my checkout_process.php help? I have not modified the stock code from the install (used MVS Rollup/22Jan2006 unpon recommendation)...

The missing Vendor #2 is not a problem. The only vendor that is required is #1, and that only because it is used as a default when your other vendors are not set up completely. The date_added and last_modified fields are also not essential; they're basically just for record keeping.


If you have not modified the stock checkout_process.php then that is not the problem. The data that it uses to store orders in the database comes from includes/classes/vendor_shipping.php, and that should also not have been modified. That code reads the installed modules for each vendor from the database, so you might want to check the vendor_configuration table for installed modules. There should be a value for MODULE_VENDOR_SHIPPING_INSTALLED_# (where # is the Vendor ID number) for each of your vendors.


If the database is OK, the problem is in the Catalog side code, it's just hard to tell where at this point. It could be anywhere before checkout_process.php. Check your mods to checkout_shipping.php and checkout_payment.php. If those are correct then check any other mods that you made on the catalog side. It should be safe to assume that all of the files that are not modified from the stock MVS files are correct, so just check the ones that you modified yourself.




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The missing Vendor #2 is not a problem. The only vendor that is required is #1, and that only because it is used as a default when your other vendors are not set up completely. The date_added and last_modified fields are also not essential; they're basically just for record keeping.


Good info!


If you have not modified the stock checkout_process.php then that is not the problem. The data that it uses to store orders in the database comes from includes/classes/vendor_shipping.php, and that should also not have been modified. That code reads the installed modules for each vendor from the database, so you might want to check the vendor_configuration table for installed modules. There should be a value for MODULE_VENDOR_SHIPPING_INSTALLED_# (where # is the Vendor ID number) for each of your vendors.


I've had no reason to modify any of the stock code, so all should be correct.


According to "vendor_configuration", there are MODULE_VENDOR_SHIPPING_INSTALLED_# for all 3 vendors with correct values for each...


I will create a dummy order to mimic the real order as closely as possible, because I wonder if it was simply "user error" (did not check a shipping method for the missing product, etc.)... everything here is pointing towards "external issues" and not the code/db! :-"

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....I will create a dummy order to mimic the real order as closely as possible, because I wonder if it was simply "user error" (did not check a shipping method for the missing product, etc.)... everything here is pointing towards "external issues" and not the code/db! :-"

That's possible. I posted a bug fix that prevents checkout without selecting shipping for all vendors. It's back a few pages by now, so you'll need to search for it. If that was the problem, then it's easily fixed.




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The plot thickens! On my duplicated dummy order, for some reason the shipping is blowing up...


This is currently the only shipping method available to use on this order.


United Parcel Service United Parcel Service

We are unable to obtain a rate quote for UPS shipping.

Please contact the store if no other alternative is shown.



Ideas greatly appreciated...

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The plot thickens! On my duplicated dummy order, for some reason the shipping is blowing up...

Ideas greatly appreciated...

If the same module is working for another vendor, then it's likely that you have an incorrect setting for this one. I've seen an invalid zip code do this. Try changing the settings to match the vendor where UPS does work. If it starts working, there's something wrong in the settings.




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Ok, I procrastinated long enough - 8 pages of this thread worth LOL.


Exactly WHICH date/version of this puppy should I be installing? I want to install the latest full usable version of this contribution.

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If the same module is working for another vendor, then it's likely that you have an incorrect setting for this one. I've seen an invalid zip code do this. Try changing the settings to match the vendor where UPS does work. If it starts working, there's something wrong in the settings.






Jim, my thanks again in your efforts to educate me in the ways of php & subsequent troubleshooting! After numerous changes to figure out WHAT the cause is, I found "Maximum box weight" needed to be filled (is & was "0" on all the vendors)! Once I added a weight, the module was then able to correctly cipher shipping as "4boxes X xx#'s ea = $xx.xx!


Sorry to have drug you off into the weeds on a wild goose chase!


My next question: Is there a way to force the UPS module into figuring the shipping for EACH individual product as opposed to the total weight from each vendor?

Edited by Caver Dave
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Barbara: I would use the latest rollup. If you have a heavily modified store, use a comparison tool to find the MVS changes. If you are going from an unmodified MS2, just drop the files in and go. You should probably check this thread for any bug fixes dated after the rollup. There haven't been very many lately, so I'm not certain this is even needed. Of course you could also continue to procrastinate until Craig gets the new release finished. I have no idea how long that will be.


Dave: That would take some work. The code currently just totals everything by vendor and uses the totals. You could end up charging for a large number of small, lightweight packages that would be much more economical to box together. Still, if you want to try this, I can tell you where to look in the code to get started. You will learn PHP if nothing else. Hey, that's how I learned it -- PHP, mySQL, and osCommerce all at once. My head hurt for weeks....




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