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Help review characters clipped to only 1


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I just noticed this issue as I had not incorporated reviews into my buildout until now. But when you click on the review snippet on the default page and go to product_reviews_info.php only one letter of text is output of the reviewers name. And it is incorrect. It is the same as the first letter of the review. And only the first letter shows in the review as well.

All other aspects of review seem to work fine on other pages such as creating a review.


This is sample output:

by W  Date Added:



Rating: W of 5 Stars! [W of 5 Stars!]


viewable at http://beancentral.com/catalog/product_rev...59/reviews_id/8

not live.

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That fixed it. Thanks for helping. I never would have got that. Variable problem. Don't believe I've seen that before with php.

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