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customize user registration required fields?


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How do i remove the required fields or customize them in the user registration form?

Are there a central config file that does that?!


I only need first name, last name, username, password, country, d.o.b and email to be included and all has to be in.


thanx in advance for any tips.

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  • 2 weeks later...

phphelp - Thanks...


I can understand how anelka9 and anyone else interested in making portions of the create_account form not required, will be totally satisfied with your succinct "usefull" reply.


Seriously though. Have you considered providing more information.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been doing some extensive work on this to include a required text area containing a User Agreement legal contract, along with a required checkbox acknowledging the user's acceptance of said agreement.


As best as I can tell so far, the main file to edit is includes/form_check.js.php.


All validation for required fields seems to originate here, and editing them is easy. Adding new required fields and subfields is a bit more difficult.



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