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The e-commerce.

Can't find it!


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Below is a link to a screenshot (zipped) that shows what I'm trying to get rid of.


When you click on a product, the information shows with the price and quantity. I want to take them out, along with approval rating.


Where can I do this? I've looked through categories.php in the admin section, but can't seem to find it.




Thanks in advance!

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just checked but wasn't able to see anything except an error message:


HTTP1.1 STATUS 403 Remote Access to this object forbidden This file cannot be directly accessed from a remote site, but must be linked through the Brinkster Member's site.

Did you try? Did you fail? No matter! Try again. Fail again! But fail better!

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You need to make it easier for people to help you. I'm unlikely to download a .zip file and open it up in photoshop. It's a waste of time.


Post the image to the thread. Then maybe you get some help.

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Thanks for the reply. I made a web page with the .gif file so you can see it.




In the future, I will do this. I just can't link a graphic to a forum thread from Brinkster.


Honestly, I was trying to make it easier. :(


I don't like seeing a whole bunch of code in forums, so I'd been doing zip files for the php, but I agree it really doesn't make much sense for screenshots.

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The only thing I can think of is that it might be listed in your includes/column_right.php file. You may be able to figure out which text refers to that information and then comment it out


/* unwanted info */


Good luck.

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