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Another WorldPay problem


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OK, I've just went through with the installation and testing of the World Pay module and it seems as though everything is working fine apart from 2 things that other people have of course previously mentioned.


Now in the read me file for the installation, it has


I found that orders were not appearing in my admin screen once payment had been received.  I found this was nothing to do with the payment module but that 3 rows were missing from the order_status table.

INSERT INTO orders_status VALUES (1, 1, 'Pending');

INSERT INTO orders_status VALUES (2, 1, 'Processing');

INSERT INTO orders_status VALUES (3, 1, 'Delivered');

Will reslve this problem.  Only do this if you experience the same problem.


This is the problem I am encountering, though I dont know where this "order_status table" is located and how exactly I modify it. Can anyone clarify this issue as I havent been able to read a forum post that explained this clearer.


Also, there seems to be a problem with the call back procedure (perhaps because of this) I should stress that I am completely new to PHP and OS Commerce so apologies if this is a bit of a newb question.

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