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Automated FedEx Labels


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I'm going out of my mind with this one - I just can't find a clue. I have FedEx Shipping Labels installed with the Free Shipping w/minium amount contrib. It works just fine except that all shipments over the free ship limit are marked as "Ground" deliveries no matter if the customer's Company field is empty or not. This costs my client an extra $2 on each of those deliveries (since most are not to businesses) and he isn't happy. I can't find anything that would account for this and I'm out of ideas. Does anyone else have this combination installed? Are you having the same problem? Any ideas at all? I will check out any leads. Thanks!


I believe I am using version 1.10 of the FedEx label contrib.



It may not help that the code FedExDC code is version is not the latest.


The version in 1.2b is (fedexdc.php,v 2003/11/12) while Jay Powers latest is (fedexdc.php,v 1.3 2004/08/12).


I had the quotes running in ValueMart for Joomla! and had way different numbers than what this is giving ont he same test server and account settings. The difference was at least $2. Now I did sign up with my company name but I operate out of my home and all his customers will be residential also. If i can I will be trying to migrate 1.2b's FedExDC.php over to the latest one. It uses an external tags file and I believe has the tag IDs in a more current state than the nearly 3 year old version. FedExDC 1.3 is almost 2 Years old itself, so that my need some looking into also.


I am just suprised that with all the recent releases for this no one checked versions with vermonster.com.


I must test the no company name at registration to see how that effects the cost, but it makes some sence but a lot of businesses are running out of homes these days and are counted as residential by FedEx of course. I am sure it was an attempt to make a switch between presenting the user with a residential rate or a business one.

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It may not help that the code FedExDC code is version is not the latest.


The version in 1.2b is (fedexdc.php,v 2003/11/12) while Jay Powers latest is (fedexdc.php,v 1.3 2004/08/12).


I had the quotes running in ValueMart for Joomla! and had way different numbers than what this is giving ont he same test server and account settings. The difference was at least $2. Now I did sign up with my company name but I operate out of my home and all his customers will be residential also. If i can I will be trying to migrate 1.2b's FedExDC.php over to the latest one. It uses an external tags file and I believe has the tag IDs in a more current state than the nearly 3 year old version. FedExDC 1.3 is almost 2 Years old itself, so that my need some looking into also.


I am just suprised that with all the recent releases for this no one checked versions with vermonster.com.


I must test the no company name at registration to see how that effects the cost, but it makes some sence but a lot of businesses are running out of homes these days and are counted as residential by FedEx of course. I am sure it was an attempt to make a switch between presenting the user with a residential rate or a business one.

Well it looks like the version was not the problem just the Business Name being entered. I wonder if the addition of a radiobox for Residential/Business Address would make a difference with Residential being the default rather than solely being based on the Business Name being added.


Just a thought.

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I have installed this contribution but am having one problem. When I go to: admin/ship_fedex.php (it goes there when I click on ship when viewing an order) the first page works - but when I click "submit" it does not work - I get a blank page. This is the link it tries to go to: admin/ship_fedex.php?cPath=&cID=&oID=23&action=ship


I have not modified that file and have checked and re-checked the install.




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I have installed this contribution but am having one problem. When I go to: admin/ship_fedex.php (it goes there when I click on ship when viewing an order) the first page works - but when I click "submit" it does not work - I get a blank page. This is the link it tries to go to: admin/ship_fedex.php?cPath=&cID=&oID=23&action=ship


I have not modified that file and have checked and re-checked the install.





Have you tried to debug this?



P.S. I am from Pigeon Forge, TN B)

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  • 4 weeks later...
Does anyone know were i can change the code that would send notifaction to the customer and change the status to shipped instead of delivered? Is this possible



Date Added Customer Notified Status Comments

08/10/2004 06:00:52 Pending

08/10/2004 06:04:12 Delivered Scheduled shipment, tracking number



I believe all you need to do is:


- Add a "Shipped" option to the orders_status table with, say, an orders_status_id of 4.


- Change line 333 in ship_fedex.php:


[code[// ...mark the order record "delivered"...

$update_status = array ('orders_status' => 3);[/code]


Here, you'd want to change 'orders_status' => 3 to 'orders_status' => 4.


I may be missing something, but I think that's all you'll need to do. This seems like a useful feature.





When I first installed your contribution it worked great. Then i tried what the person quoted above me said so that I could have it show the status as Shipped instead of Delivered. Well now everytime I ship an order it makes the Order disappear from my Admin Orders screen. The only way I can view the order from within admin is by manually typing in the order number and hitting enter. It also makes the order disappear from my customers show order screen.


I've tried reinstalling the files and code and changing the number back to 3 after deleting the shipped under order status in admin. But nothing seems to work.


Also after it ships the package and makes it disappear from my admin it also puts a blank order status in on the customers copy and on my copy of the order.


Someone please help if you can.



Edited by nwatko
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Hi! I do not have the latest but wanted to ask this question before going throug the hassle of the latest.


Everything is great except when printing the label. When printing the label it communicates with FEDEX correctly and sets up a real tracking ID (and correctly notifies the end user of the tracking. The problem is that the label that comes up is not correct. All info is except the 2D and 1D code that normally contains the tracking. Mine always say:



(9612019) 0000000 00000000


My online account works fine and I'm billed for the transaction but I can't print the correct label.


Anyone heard of this? Anyone have a solution?

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Shipping weight and quantity off with automated labels. If I look at a test cart in mysql I see 12 items, at 22# each. When I go to the check out page the fedex rate shows 7 x 46.748571428571lbs. Doing some more testing I get the following.


1 item in cart = 1 x 28lbs

2 = 2 x 27.5lbs

5 = 3 x 45.45lbs

10 = 6 x 45.45lbs

50 = 28 x 48.696428571429lbs

100 = 55 x 49.581818181818lbs


Any idea what may be causing this? The mysql database is always showing the correct number of packages. Also, things worked fine until I switched to a new web host. I don't know if that would have any bearing on anything.

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Shipping weight and quantity off with automated labels. If I look at a test cart in mysql I see 12 items, at 22# each. When I go to the check out page the fedex rate shows 7 x 46.748571428571lbs. Doing some more testing I get the following.


1 item in cart = 1 x 28lbs

2 = 2 x 27.5lbs

5 = 3 x 45.45lbs

10 = 6 x 45.45lbs

50 = 28 x 48.696428571429lbs

100 = 55 x 49.581818181818lbs


Any idea what may be causing this? The mysql database is always showing the correct number of packages. Also, things worked fine until I switched to a new web host. I don't know if that would have any bearing on anything.


Go to your Admin under Configuration/ShippingPackaging settings.

Your Package Tare Weight and Maximum Shipping Weight settings.


From the looks of your data, it looks like you have a tare weight of 6 and maximum Shipping Wt of 50.

- The Jackal

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Hello all, I am wrapping up my FedEx certification to utilize the FedEx Automated Labels contribution. Everything is working on my end and I am receiving labels directly from FedEx's test server which is great. I'm in the process of trying to move to the production server and a FedEx Web Integration engineer contacted me and asked "I just wanted to be sure that you are going to use a ground close transaction. It's important to run that transaction each day after ground shipments have been tendered. Try to run it as close to your pickup time as you can."


I don't know what a "ground close transaction" is so I called and asked and he said that our module should be able to send this transaction to FedEx so that they close our shipments for the day on their end.


Does the "Purge Manifest" button also send a command to close these transactions or does the API handle this another way?


Thanks very much for your help.

Edited by tridian
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Hello all, I am wrapping up my FedEx certification to utilize the FedEx Automated Labels contribution. Everything is working on my end and I am receiving labels directly from FedEx's test server which is great. I'm in the process of trying to move to the production server and a FedEx Web Integration engineer contacted me and asked "I just wanted to be sure that you are going to use a ground close transaction. It's important to run that transaction each day after ground shipments have been tendered. Try to run it as close to your pickup time as you can."


I don't know what a "ground close transaction" is so I called and asked and he said that our module should be able to send this transaction to FedEx so that they close our shipments for the day on their end.


Does the "Purge Manifest" button also send a command to close these transactions or does the API handle this another way?


Thanks very much for your help.



I've been using it for over a year now and the manifest is not required by my driver and I have never needed to close for the day, and they always deliver my packages and never forget to charge me even though I didn't close... =)

Most Valuable OsCommerce Contributions:

Also Purchased (AP) Preselection (cuts this resource hogging query down to nothing) -- Contribution 3294

FedEx Automated Labels -- Contribution 2244

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Ultimate SEO URLs -- Contribution 2823

Credit Class & Gift Voucher -- Contribution 282

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I've been using it for over a year now and the manifest is not required by my driver and I have never needed to close for the day, and they always deliver my packages and never forget to charge me even though I didn't close... =)


Great Keith, thanks very much for the info! I had a feeling they would have no problems charging us so at least we have that sorted out!


Looking forward to using the contribution and thanks to all for the hard work.

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Astra Code Revisited.


I've got


preg_match('/(.*)"([\d+\-?]+)/s', $chunk, $match);

// if (empty($match[1])) continue;


That commented out.


I still do not get a PNG image on the fedex screen.


I've read everything - so I thought. What do I need to do? Please advise!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have 2 questions, both related.


1) has anyone made it so that the ship/track/cancel buttons appear on the customers orders detail page? I know someone made it for the edit orders page, but I'm trying to figure out how to implement this into the details page (we normally click the details page, print out an invoice, and then would be awesome to have a ship button right there)




2) has anyone made a modification to the ship label contrib where it will also print out the invoice of the customer on the half sheet of the fedex label that is blank? I'm sure some of you know what I'm talking about.. those fedex laser labels are half sticky label and half blank paper. Would be a great modification to be able to print out the invoice on the blank part and then the label on the sticky part all at once (as opposed to printing out the invoices first, then going back and printing out the labels)... would save time and would be a wonderful 'option' to have in the fedex automated label contrib


option 2 would save most people a ton of cash on paper as well, and would be environmentally better :)

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i have followed the directions and read through this thread but cannot find a solutin that works for my situation. this is where everything stops working for me. once i fill ou tall the shipping info i need and hit submit i get this. all folders ar ein place and correct permissions....


Warning: fopen in /home/www/web10/web/Admin/includes/fedexdc.php on line 251


Warning: fwrite(): supplied argument is not a valid stream resource in /home/www/web10/web/Admin/includes/fedexdc.php on line 252


Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/web10/web/Admin/includes/fedexdc.php:251) in /home/www/web10/web/Admin/includes/functions/general.php on line 22

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I just installed this and get the following error


ERROR: FedEx Return Error 800E : Account and meter does not match


I have reset my meter to NONE and received another and i still get this error.

Any Ideas?


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I just got the same error, it was some monkeying around that I did in some of the files. Reupload the Files to Catalog, and admin directories and then it should work. I just reuploaded all the files for the correct folders, the new files that is, not the modded ones, and it is now working again.


Hope this helps you.

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Hi there,


I installed this contrib and it worked for maybe 5-7 labels, and now.. it loads for 25-30 seconds, and whitescreens. What could I possibly check to see if there's something wrong? It wont error out, it won't timeout, just shows a blank screen. The order will update to shipped with no tracking #. Any clue?

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We have a peculiar problem.

When a customer purchases a variety of items from our web site, this contrib. obviously adds up the weight of all items purchased and reports a quote to the customer based on the total weight of all those items.

Problem is, we treat each individual item as a separate package and deliver it so thus paying Fedex much more than we get paid by our customers for shipping.

Can anybody help me tweak the code in a way that the quotes are received for individual items and then the total quoted price is calculated adding up all the quotes for each individual item purchased? Or could there be any other workarounds for this problem?

The invoice also reports erroneously. For instance, if somebody were to purchase two different items that weigh 5 and 10 lbs., respectively, it shows thus:

Federal Express (1 x 15.44lbs) (Ground Service (2 days)): $11.42

when it should be 1 x 5 and 1 x 10 because there are two different packages here.

When creating labels, it correctly displays fields for both the packages hence making way to creating two separate labels only to have us pay Fedex more when shipping - once for 5 lbs. and then separatley for 10 lbs.

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Can anybody help me tweak the code in a way that the quotes are received for individual items and then the total quoted price is calculated adding up all the quotes for each individual item purchased? Or could there be any other workarounds for this problem?

This contribution is not responsible for the quoted price. It only helps you ship the packages. If you want to change the formula, it must be done either in FedEx Realtime quotes or FedEx Zipzones contributions.


Hope that helps.

- The Jackal

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This contribution is not responsible for the quoted price. It only helps you ship the packages. If you want to change the formula, it must be done either in FedEx Realtime quotes or FedEx Zipzones contributions.


Hope that helps.


Thankyou for the quick response. I talked to the FedEx Realtime quotes guy and he tells me that it is OSCommerce that adds up the weight and not his module. Anyways, it looks like this is going to be a long week. If I figure anything out, I'll post it up here.

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