whereditgo Posted July 3, 2004 Posted July 3, 2004 Hi, Actually this is not really a new store, I am switching from Miva shopping cart. I started the process of pointing my domain name from my online site to this site today. Right now, I am basically working out the bugs and adding finishing touches. Please let me know what you think. My Webpage Thanks, Cyndi Is it reality or just a dream, for some there is no difference.
mshisha Posted July 4, 2004 Posted July 4, 2004 I thought your website looked good - like the way the pictures change over. I also like the links along the bottom of the page instead of in the info boxes. Good job!
Acheron Posted July 5, 2004 Posted July 5, 2004 I don't think site content matters much with that gorgeous blonde being the first thing you see. j/k ;) OK, seriously though, it looks pretty good. Couple issues ... (1) The login box needs to be fixed. The email address field is out of alignment. Also, the sign-in buttin is red whereas the box headings are red. (2) I would change the button_quick_find image. (3) PayPal icon could be accompanied by qualified CC icons for those who don't know any better. Someone posted a couple weeks ago that they had 4 users abandon their cart b/c they only saw PayPal and wanted to pay by CC. They didn't realize PayPal took CCs. (4) I was a little confused by this: Our items include exotic lingerie, plus size lingerie, womens lingerie and erotic lingerie. Taken literally, it implies that the exotic, plus size and erotic lingerie are for men. Scary thought. ;) I realize you may have just done that for SE purposes though. Perhaps something instead like "Our items include womens lingerie specializing in exotic lingerie, plus size lingerie, and erotic lingerie." (5) Back to the conflicting colors of the bars ... would match them instead. Actually, I would make them all one of the darker purples you have in the banner. Seems like it would fit nicely.
whereditgo Posted July 5, 2004 Author Posted July 5, 2004 Thanks for the replies. Mshisha, Thank you, I like the changing of the images also. I can't take credit for that though, I have someone helpinng me, and I am still trying to figure out how it works,lol. Acheron, I can't seem to get that paypal button to work properly. I want to use the one with all the credit cards, but when I do, It throws the table out of whack. Will keep trying to figure it out. I just added the login box and I can't seem to get it right. It seems contributions take me awhile. Took me 3 weeks to do the header tags controller. As for the bars,I don't really like that color either and am working on changing them, I think your suggestion would look much better. Thanks for all the great pointers, and yeah, I love the blonde also. I took a look at your contributions, and plan on using the reviewer privacy. I really like that idea. Thanks again for the replies, Cyndi Is it reality or just a dream, for some there is no difference.
CentralMass Posted July 5, 2004 Posted July 5, 2004 I received a javascript error when I went to this page... http://www.staciescloset.com/index.php?cPath=24 it was looking for the slideshow code. Need Hosting? Just ask!
whereditgo Posted July 5, 2004 Author Posted July 5, 2004 Did you go there just now, I'm not getting that error. Earlier, I was having problems with my ssl and had a bunch of errors going on. If so can you tell me what browser, etc. Is it reality or just a dream, for some there is no difference.
whereditgo Posted July 6, 2004 Author Posted July 6, 2004 I have changed some of the bars to a dark purple, let me know what you think. Cyndi Is it reality or just a dream, for some there is no difference.
Guest Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 (3) PayPal icon could be accompanied by qualified CC icons for those who don't know any better. Someone posted a couple weeks ago that they had 4 users abandon their cart b/c they only saw PayPal and wanted to pay by CC. They didn't realize PayPal took CCs. I had the same Concern about customers and PayPal., Since as of now that is the only secure way I have of Processing Credit Cards. So this is what I did- Perform at your Own Risk and Back up 1st. go to catalog / includes / languages / english / modules / payment / paypal.php modify the wording for PayPal Text title This is the Code Actually this is all the code for that page The red part in this post is what I changed The unchanged OS code will just have the word PayPal You can put what ever it is you wish to let your customers know CODE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <?php /* $Id: paypal.php,v 1.7 2002/11/01 05:39:27 hpdl Exp $ osCommerce, Open Source E-Commerce Solutions http://www.oscommerce.com Copyright ? 2002 osCommerce Released under the GNU General Public License */ define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_TEXT_TITLE', ' We use PayPal to process all major Credit Cards <br>PayPal Uses "128 bit SSL" For Your Financial Security<br>A PayPal Account Is <font color="red">Not Required</font color> To Check Out<br>You will Not Be Charged Extra '); define('MODULE_PAYMENT_PAYPAL_TEXT_DESCRIPTION', 'PayPal'); ?> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- End CODE So when customers go to Check Out instead of --- This is currently the only payment method available to use on this order. "PayPal" It now States This is currently the only payment method available to use on this order. We use PayPal to process all major Credit Cards PayPal Uses "128 bit SSL" For Your Financial Security A PayPal Account Is Not Required To Check Out You Will Not Be Charged Extra For This Convenience Other than that I might center the CC and paypal up on the left side of the Screen just for a cleaner look. The rest is really good especially the Models :rolleyes:
cdi-buy.com Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 You could always just do what I did and have a paypal logo in your header with a string of credit card images below it. Click the www under my signature to see. (I keep getting msgs from the moderators for "spamming" when I actually GIVE my link.)
Guest Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 She Has that and so do I -- The problem is when they get to the last page of checking out and all it says is PayPal that is when people bail out. They do not understand that PayPal processes the Cards. Or they think that PayPal will Charge them Extra. I feel it is Best to give them all the Info they require. Since There is no Salesman on the Floor If you just have the string of Credit Cards and the Customer get to Check out and their only option says PayPal -- What then?? They may think you have Deceived them Not everyone knows what PayPal is Capable of because it may be Their 1st online purchase. Most people are still Timid about online purchases
cdi-buy.com Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 There's more than a string of credit cards in my logo. Below it says "PayPal Account No Longer Required." No solution is fool proof anyways though because people in general are stupid. Nothing against them, or anything, but as a general rule, people are dumb. They don't see things, read things, over look things, etc for any number of reasons. You could have a flashing banner or scrolling marquee that says "PAYPAL PROCESSES OUR CREDIT CARD ORDERS AND WE DON'T CHARGE EXTRA" and some people will still bail out because they don't realize what PayPal is for.
CentralMass Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 Did you go there just now, I'm not getting that error. Earlier, I was having problems with my ssl and had a bunch of errors going on. If so can you tell me what browser, etc. I still get the error, the exact error reads as follows: [codes]LIne: 43Char: 1Error: 'document.images.SlideShow.style' is null or not an objectCode: 0URL: http://www.staciecloset.com/index.php?cPath=24[/code] I am on WinXP using IE 6.0 Need Hosting? Just ask!
whereditgo Posted July 6, 2004 Author Posted July 6, 2004 "I still get the error, the exact error reads as follows" I don't know why, there is no slide show on that page? I am definately looking into that, I run on Win. 98 IE 6.0, so I guess it might be an issue with different versions of Windows. Thanks for the heads up. Cyndi Is it reality or just a dream, for some there is no difference.
CentralMass Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 check the lowerleft of your browser for a warning message, you might have the notifications disabled. Need Hosting? Just ask!
Guest Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 I received a javascript error when I went to this page... http://www.staciescloset.com/index.php?cPath=24 it was looking for the slideshow code. I do not get one. I am also running XP with IE6 Looks Great
whereditgo Posted July 6, 2004 Author Posted July 6, 2004 Thanks, I have spent a lot of 12-14 hour days on this site. Luckily, I had a very knowledgeable person to help me. I did find the little error image in the lower left hand corner. The page still shows up, it just tells you there are errors. I'm so glad my pages are still there while trying to resolve this. Cyndi Is it reality or just a dream, for some there is no difference.
CentralMass Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 overall I really like the look and could find myself making a purchase here ;) Need Hosting? Just ask!
Guest Posted July 6, 2004 Posted July 6, 2004 Duh :rolleyes: Sorry. I do get one. For some reason it did not show up the 1st time. To make sure you have Script error reporting enabled in IE Go to Top Tool Bar - Click Tools - Click Internet Options- Click Advanced- Look under Browsing-- The 5th box -- "Display a Notication about every Script error" Needs to be Checked -- Then OK You can always go back and disable it Another Thing You may consider is giving customers the option of checking out with out joining your site. Check out this Mod , "PWA" I did it to my site its pretty Cool Purchase Without Account Just my opinion but I think the Customers of the "more Adult sites" like their Privacy. Plus The More Options people have the more Secure they are about doing Business with you. Just MHO
whereditgo Posted July 7, 2004 Author Posted July 7, 2004 Just my opinion but I think the Customers of the "more Adult sites" like their Privacy. You are totally right, (hitting self on head) why didn't I think of that, lol. Privacy could be a major issue with some my clothing, or lack there of, lol. I will work on that mod, hopefully will up my sales some. Cyndi Is it reality or just a dream, for some there is no difference.
whereditgo Posted July 7, 2004 Author Posted July 7, 2004 overall I really like the look and could find myself making a purchase here ;) Thanks, That's actually what we were going for. The other site, I designed myself, I called it 3 blondes and an HTML book. It looked really unprofessional and I think that scared people away. I used Miva shopping cart, which is really hard to customize, so I created a web page and linked to the shopping cart. So far I am really happy with Oscommerce. I like being in control of my site and feel more like it's mine. Cyndi Is it reality or just a dream, for some there is no difference.
cdi-buy.com Posted July 7, 2004 Posted July 7, 2004 I think oscommerce is the only good cart out there. That's because it's more than a cart - it's a full blown self-contained storefront for the web....nothing else even comes close...
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