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The e-commerce.

Would appreciate your critic of my site


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Hi Folks,


I am a complete newbie and have had my site running for a few weeks - after much blood, sweat and tears!!

I would appreciate any comments you have on my site - plse bear in mind its live now!!

Am already looking at how to clear the box header corners ... would love to know how to add another shipping module other than ups..

so its very basic but My Webpage


Any ideas appreciated - and thanks to all (especially Bob) for yr support




I am a newbie too, so you may take this with a grain of salt. Anyway, I think your site looks great. I am actually trying to figure out the search box that you have added. The one thing I would change, is the paypal logo. I would put that at the bottom, so that you have your keywords and products closer to the top of the page. I plan on putting my paypal logo at the very bottom of the page for this reason. I just want to let people know that I take paypal with out using up useful space. Like I said, I am still new, hopefully someone else with more knowledge will chime in.



Is it reality or just a dream, for some there is no difference.


your infoboxes....left corner "blue" doesn't match rest of box. This intentional or.... ?


Page takes forever on 56k. It took 60+ seconds. Your banner is at least partially to blame. I was able to cut the size of that down by 40% using only 10% JPEG compression, which results in no noticable loss of quality.


Thanks everyone for your comments- I really appreciate that!

Cyndi - you are right I didn't see that before - it does swamp the catalog page doesn't it? I will have to look at changing that ... slowly but surely.. you know how it is when you re new at it ... one step forward and 2 steps back!!

Yep am also trying to clear those blue boxes on the headers - have been given the know - how by a friend - now I just have to put it into practice.

Re the header ... its wierd cos today that page started loading really slow - I noticed it myself . I am not sure how to compress it though .

You guys have certainly given me a few things to get on with .

Thanks again for your input


I compressed your header to about 1/4th of its original size with very little noticable loss of quality. Just right click on it and "save as..."




Wow - thanks Don have saved that and will get onto changing it ... are you any good at adding more hours into the day now???


Thanks again ...


its a stock osc install with a big header pic.... you didnt even manage to change out the corner images on the boxes to match your blue....


Put some effort into it before you ask for a critique.


Well I guess I asked for that!!


Actually for someone who knows nothing about php etc it was quite a bit of effort. I am looking into changing the corners now .


Maybe I was after a bit of positive critisism - like ideas to change it more - although I could be said to be purist sticking to a stock oscommerce format ;)


after all no-one would be on this forum without them!!


Point taken though


Try right clicking and saving these --- I think they may match better










Just upload them into





and overwrite the old ones


You really need to get that header switched over though too - it's ok on cable and DSL but those poor dial up users are gonna hafta go fix a sandwich while they wait for your page.


well have changed banner to compressed version - I don't see any difference but wonder if someone with a 56k can look at it for me.


Does it still look OK? not too blurred? Any comments on that one?


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