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Customer can not check out


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One of my customers is having problems during the check out process. I know it is not the store itself as no on elese has mentioned it and we are getting sales daily.


What is happening is when he goes to check out he is presented the shipping method screen. When he selects an option and clicks on "continue" it just brings him back to the shipping screen. He has tried several browsers as well as disabeling his firewall. I have not gotten in to his computers configuration although I might have to to properly trouble shoot this. Anyone have any ideas?


Thanx and have a great weekend!!!


We have got this same problem now, only it applies to everyone, not just one customer.


If anyone can help it would be greitly appreciated!


I'm looking at the code for checkoiut_shipping.php and can't quite see how this could happen. When the user clicks on the Continue button, they are submitting the form which uses its own page (checkout_shipping.php) to process the action. As long as the 'action' field is defined with a value of 'process', which it would be by default, I see no paths that would NOT take one to checkout_payment.php.


What I would do to diagnose this is to add the following right after the <body> tag:

<?php print_r($HTTP_POST_VARS); ?>


and then try a sample order. In the case where the Continue button just retunns to the page, you will see on the page a dump of the form post variables. It would be instructive to know what they are.


what kind of contributions have been changed/added lately?


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