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The e-commerce.

Yahoo Web Hosting Installation


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Everyones favorite answer around here is get another web host. That solution doesn't work for me. So this is what i figured out so far.


1.) First go to Yahoo Web services site, log-in and install phpMyAdmin for dealing with mySQL.


2.) Go to the newly installed phpMyAdmin and create your database lets call it MYDATABASE.


3.) Create a ssl folder (all lower case) in the root of your web


4.) Get osCommerce and copy all of it to the ssl folder


5.) Publish the web if needed.


6.) Run the osCommerce install www.my-site.com/ssl/catalog/install

important settings:

DB Server mysql


use persisstent connections: <i put false>

ssl <true>


7.) Use yahoo file manager to kill install directory on your web at www.my-site.com/ssl/catalog/install


8.) Set up an admin user in Yahoo Password manager and make www.my-site.com/ssl/catalog/admin a private folder. Look for "public" in the file manager, a edit hyperlink is right below it.


9.) Edit /ssl/catalog/includes/configure.php

// ADD the line
 define('HTTP_TOP_SERVER', 'http://www.my-site.com');
//MODIFY lines
 define ('HTTP_SERVER', 'https://s.p2.hostingprod.com/@www.my-site.com/'); 
 define('HTTPS_SERVER', 'https://s.p2.hostingprod.com/@www.my-site.com/');
 define('HTTP_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'https://s.p2.hostingprod.com/@www.my-site.com');
 define('HTTPS_COOKIE_DOMAIN', 'https://s.p2.hostingprod.com/@www.my-site.com');

10.) Edit /ssl/catalog/admin/includes/configure.php

// MODIFY lines
 define('HTTP_SERVER', 'https://s.p2.hostingprod.com/@www.my-site.com/'); 
 define('HTTP_CATALOG_SERVER', 'https://s.p2.hostingprod.com/@www.my-site.com/');
 define('HTTPS_CATALOG_SERVER', 'https://s.p2.hostingprod.com/@www.my-site.com/');
 define('DIR_WS_CATALOG', 'https://s.p2.hostingprod.com/@www.my-site.com/ssl/catalog/');

11.) Edit /ssl/catalog/includes/application_top.php

 //$breadcrumb->add(HEADER_TITLE_TOP, HTTP_SERVER);


12.) now make files readonly. Create a php file MyChmod.php


add code

chmod("/catalog/includes/configure.php", 0444); 
chmod("/catalog/admin/includes/configure.php", 0644); 


you can add more files and directories as needed. For more info on permissions look up chmod on the web.


Now publish the file if needed and open it with a web browser. Delete the remote file when done.



In osCommerce Admin Image uploads do not work for products and catagories, just upload the image files to /ssl/catalog/images/ then go to phpMyAdmin select MYDATABASE and browse the two tables "categories" and "products" you can manually edit records. so if you uploaded an image to /ssl/catalog/images/picture.gif set the image field to picture.gif. With this method you can also put a picture in /ssl/catalog/images/products/picture.gif and set the image field to products/picture.gif.


If i missed anything or someone else figures out something else post it. Please no switch host comments ive heard enough of them :)


If you can pay for a Yahoo web store why can't you pay for a real hosting account? JUst curious.


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