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Who can rewrite this little piece of code


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<?php $prod_quantity = tep_get_products_stock($products_id);

switch ($prod_quantity) {

case 0:

print '<img src="images/stock_soldout.gif" border="0">';


case 1:

print '<img src="images/stock_limitedstock.gif" border="0">';


case 2:

print '<img src="images/stock_limitedstock.gif" border="0">';


case 3:

print '<img src="images/stock_limitedstock.gif" border="0">';


case 4:

print '<img src="images/stock_instock.gif" border="0">';


case 120:

print '<img src="images/stock_instock.gif" border="0">';



} ?>



This is a piece of code from an existing and already running contribution, but i would like to tweak it a bit, but don't know how.

Hopefully someone can rewrite it a bit, because basically what i have to do now would be to make an entry for every step of the quantity available.


Which is not so bad if you only have 1 to 10 products, but if you have large amounts on stock [100dreds], this would create a HUGE column in the products info page .

I don't know if this would make the site or page slow ????


But what i am thinking of is to make like 3 states from the above piece of code, which would have to be something like this :


case below 1 :

print '<img src="images/stock_soldout.gif" border="0">';



case below 10 [but above 0] :

print '<img src="images/stock_limitedstock.gif" border="0">';



case above 10 :

print '<img src="images/stock_onstock.gif" border="0">';




I know the code i wrote above is aboslutely nonsense, but that is because i don't know jack about codes :)


ANyone knows the solution?




if ($prod_quantity < 1){?> 
print '<img src="images/stock_soldout.gif" border="0">'; 
elseif (($prod_quantity > 0) && ($prod_quantity < 10){?>
print '<img src="images/stock_limitedstock.gif" border="0">'; 
print '<img src="images/stock_onstock.gif" border="0">'; 

Your online success is Paramount.



if ($prod_quantity < 1){?> 
print '<img src="images/stock_soldout.gif" border="0">'; 
elseif (($prod_quantity > 0) && ($prod_quantity < 10)){?>
print '<img src="images/stock_limitedstock.gif" border="0">'; 
print '<img src="images/stock_onstock.gif" border="0">'; 

actually correction above.

Your online success is Paramount.


Thanks yesudo .

I have tried your code , but when i just copy pasted the code it gave me an eror.:


Parse error: parse error, unexpected '}' in /home/storename/www/shop/product_info.php on line 237


which is in this part of the code :


print '<img src="images/stock_soldout.gif" border="0">';



I saw that parts of the code in dreamweaver where marked as blue [which means something is wrong] when i put an extra space between the ? and the } the code became red [which in dreamweaver means is a correct code]


SO now the code is :



if ($prod_quantity < 1){?>

print '<img src="images/stock_soldout.gif" border="0">';

<?php }

elseif (($prod_quantity > 0) && ($prod_quantity < 10){?>

print '<img src="images/stock_limitedstock.gif" border="0">';

<?php }


print '<img src="images/stock_onstock.gif" border="0">';

<?php }?>



However, it still didn't work, itstead now it comes up with a :


Parse error: parse error, unexpected ';' in /home/storename/www/shop/product_info.php on line 238


This is in this line :


elseif (($prod_quantity > 0) && ($prod_quantity < 10){?>





Any ideas what could be wrong?


Thanks for your time and help


?if ($prod_quantity < 1) {
? ?echo "<img src=\"images/stock_soldout.gif\" border="0">";
?elseif (($prod_quantity > 0) && ($prod_quantity < 10)) {
? ?echo "<img src=\"images/stock_limitedstock.gif\" border="0">";
?} else {
? ?echo "<img src=\"images/stock_onstock.gif\" border="0">";



or ...


 if ($prod_quantity < 1) {
   echo "<img src=\"images/stock_soldout.gif\" border=\"0\">";
 elseif (($prod_quantity > 0) && ($prod_quantity < 10)) {
   echo "<img src=\"images/stock_limitedstock.gif\" border=\"0\">";
 } else {
   echo "<img src=\"images/stock_onstock.gif\" border=\"0\">";


ALmost there i think.

i still got errors with Acherons version, but after some tweaking i got no erros and even got to display one of the images.


What follows is a code from an absolutel noob when it comes to code, but it is a trial and error effort from my side :D




if ($prod_quantity < 1 {

echo "<img src=\"images/stock_limitedstock.gif\" border=\"0\">";

} elseif (($prod_quantity > 0) && ($prod_quantity < 10)) {

echo "<img src=\"images/stock_limitedstock.gif\" border=\"0\">";

} else {

echo "<img src=\"images/stock_instock.gif\" border=\"0\">";





Now i don't get any errors, displaying an image, but it doesn't matter what number on stock i have, it always displays the last part which is the : INSTOCK.GIF


As an addition:


when i use this code:



if ($prod_quantity < 1) {

echo "<img src=\"images/stock_limitedstock.gif\" border=\"0\">";

} elseif (($prod_quantity > 0) && ($prod_quantity < 10)) {

echo "<img src=\"images/stock_limitedstock.gif\" border=\"0\">";

} else {

echo "<img src=\"images/stock_instock.gif\" border=\"0\">";





It always displays the LIMITEDSTOCK.GIF

[the difference is in the first line : <1]


Hope this clears up things even more to make the code work :)


Acheron [or someone else]


Could you please compare your original code with my tweaked ones and check what i have done and iron out the flaws?




Well if you want it that way ...


if ($prod_quantity < 10) {
echo "<img src=\"images/stock_limitedstock.gif\" border=\"0\">";
} else {
echo "<img src=\"images/stock_instock.gif\" border=\"0\">";


You didn't show your db query :blink:


Anyhow, substitute $your_query with your database query:


   $rows = 0;
   $products_query = tep_db_query($your_query);
     while ($products = tep_db_fetch_array($products_query)) {
   $prod_quantity = tep_get_products_stock($products['products_id']);
     if ($prod_quantity < 1) {
     echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'stock_soldout.gif', 'Sold out');
   } elseif (($prod_quantity > 0) && ($prod_quantity < 10)) {
     echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'stock_limitedstock.gif', 'Limited Stock');
   } else {
     echo tep_image(DIR_WS_IMAGES . 'stock_onstock.gif', 'In Stock')";




What is wrong with:


switch (tep_get_products_stock($products_id)) {
? ?case "0":
? ?print '<img src="images/stock_soldout.gif" border="0">';
? ?break;
? ?case "1":
? ?case "2":
? ?case "3":
? ?case "4":
? ?case "5":
? ?case "6":
? ?case "7":
? ?case "8":
? ?case "9":
? ?print '<img src="images/stock_limitedstock.gif" border="0">';
? ?break;
? ?default:
? ?print '<img src="images/stock_onstock.gif" border="0">';
? ?break;


Far more graceful, far more portable. Less overhead.


Thanks everybody.

I have tried 'em all but i just keep on getting errors. [exceept the one where i had to place my own query, but since i really have no idea what i had to fill in there, i decided to test the latest idea , reworked it a bit and that one worked fine, so i'll just go for that one


The code now is :


<?php $prod_quantity = tep_get_products_stock($products_id);

switch ($prod_quantity) {

case 0:

print '<img src="images/stock_soldout.gif" border="0">';


case 10:

print '<img src="images/stock_limitedstock.gif" border="0">';



print '<img src="images/stock_instock.gif" border="0">';



} ?>



Thanks for trying to help a total NOSCRIPTER :rolleyes:

I learned some stuff along the way, i just have to figure out what it is exactly :D


With the latest code you posted, a quantity of 10 == limited stock, but a quantity of 5 == in stock.


I'm not sure that's the behaviour your require, is it ?


No you are right.

I also saw that when i posted it so i changed the 10 into 1 :)

That should do the trick am i correct?


Thanks for all the help :D


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