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Checkout & Payment Methods


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I have a site that I took over. They only payment method allowed previously was PayPal.


I *tried* to enable the Gift Voucher system, but I appear to have done something wrong. I can get osCommerce to mail the gift voucher to somebody. The gift voucher can be redeemed, and it shows the correct balance. However, when someone hits the 'Tick to use Gift Voucher account balance', on the payment information page, and then hits Continue, it takes them to the Order Confirmation page, which shows the correct values (In the test case I am doing, I have a $1 item in the cart, and a $1 gift voucher, so thre is 0 balance.)


What happens is that when they hit Confirm Order, it takes them back to the payment information page, and I, (the administrator, not the user) get 2 e-mails.


The first has a subject of: PayPal IPN: Unknown Verfication and the message looks like a text only version of the Paypal homepage.


The second e-mail has a subject of PayPal IPN: Unknown Transaction Type and the message says:


An unknown transaction () occurred from ip.ad.dr.ess

Are you running any tests?



(ip address is the IP address from my PC)



Any ideas what to look for? I'm a little lost because I've never used osCommerce before, and I wasn't even the one who set it up.






You might want to check the support thread in the contribution section of the forum. There have been a few problems with the gv contribution and getting it working correctly. A solution to your problem may already be posted or if not someone watching the thread may be able to help you.

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