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I have a few issues in which I would appreciate any suggestions or support anyone could offer.


Conflict/Question #1:


I'm currently sorting the product within my catalog by model # (customer view) however it seems that a few of my items in different categories are being sorted by their name as well. I've double checked my model #'s to ensure they're accurate and not mis-typed however I cannot find the cause.




Conflict/Question #2:


I would like to add an additional column to the admin view of the product listings inside each category of the catalog. I'm wanting to add a Model # category and have it output that as well as the item title etc. Because I have many items with duplicate titles, model # would allow me to sift through status's much easier.




Conflcit/Question #3:


I installed the contribution for the printable catalogue onto my page, however once I installed it (per documentation) and I click on the Link i added in the left SideBar it gives me errors. To view error and results of the link goto, http://new.sunbeltsports.com/print_catalog.php




Conflict/Question #4:


MY USPS Shipping is not connecting to the server I guess, I entered my user/pass exactly as USPS gave it to me. However it is not connecting. UPS on the other hand seems to be doing just fine, however it is giving me awkward shipping rates, as if they're multiplied by four. You can see it at new.sunbeltsports.com (shop) add a product and test it... Quite odd




Conflict/Question #5:


How can I set a 'breaking' point for the amount of products displayed on a single page? I believe it is currently twenty, and I would like to make it 12 to 15...




Conflict/Question #6:


I believe I disabled the INVENTORY module in the OSC system already.. however is this the correct way for it to NOT monitor inventory. I would like it so that if I click the RED icon (stop light ) for a product's status it adds a TEXT over the thumbnail saying SOLD OUT ..




This is all my questions for now, I know there is a bunch but I appreciate it. As far as future modules, and contributions what is a good mod for fedex, ups, and usps. I want to make sure I'm using the best I could be.


Thanks, Justin

Conflict/Question #2:


I would like to add an additional column to the admin view of the product listings inside each category of the catalog.  I'm wanting to add a Model # category and have it output that as well as the item title etc.  Because I have many items with duplicate titles, model # would allow me to sift through status's much easier.

check the Product Listing section in the admin, you can enable the model in there.


Conflcit/Question #3:


I installed the contribution for the printable catalogue onto my page, however once I installed it (per documentation) and I click on the Link i added in the left SideBar it gives me errors.  To view error and results of the link goto, http://new.sunbeltsports.com/print_catalog.php

Find the support thread for this, I know this error was reported in the past, but I don't know what the solution is. I don't have that one myself...


Conflict/Question #5:


How can I set a 'breaking' point for the amount of products displayed on a single page?  I believe it is currently twenty, and I would like to make it 12 to 15...

It's also a setting in the admin, I believe also under product listing, if not there; then it would be in the max rows section


I do not use the responsive bootstrap version since i coded my responsive version earlier, but i have bought every 28d of code package to support burts effort and keep this forum alive (albeit more like on life support).

So if you are still here ? What are you waiting for ?!


Find the most frequent unique errors to fix:

grep "PHP" php_error_log.txt | sed "s/^.* PHP/PHP/g" |grep "line" |sort | uniq -c | sort -r > counterrors.txt


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