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New Install problem with an old DB


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A bit lost here. I was re-working an OSC cart which some programmer tried to call his own when I decided to simply start from scratch. So I took a dump of the database from the old version of the cart and installed a new version of OSC using the database with all the product data and content in it. It seems to half work but I still get the default pages showing on the landing page. My test platform is here...


Any ideas what I have to do to get the landing pages back to the way they were?

The best thing about learning is that no-one can take it away from you - B.B.King




I have no idea what you mean by the "landing pages", but if you want the text in the middle column changed, just go to:




and change the value of the constant , TEXT_MAIN




Thanks, that helped a bit. I got rid of the default message. What I want to do though is get the text and graphics from this site;



corectly referenced on this site (which is using the same database)


The reason being that the latter site is fixing an illegal copy of OSC so I need to know how to reference the data that is presumably already there. Where do I start looking? Most of the products in the latter site appear but the content from the first site doesn't appear in the second.

The best thing about learning is that no-one can take it away from you - B.B.King




There is quite a bit that is different, but you have one big thing in your favour, the data is the same (also you are doing the ethical thing and removing the illegal site/copy).


If we compare the "scooters"


Old site : http://www.healthylifepharmacy.com/index.php/cPath/22_46


New site:


The product listing down the bottom is the same, the stylesheet however is totally different. Also, the person has changed "Let's See What We Have Here" with all the information at the top of the center column. There must be PHP files changed, or possibly, in addition to the template/stylesheet changes, possibly some contributions ??


You can obtain the text added from the old site by viewing the source code, that is, I'm assuming you own the (old) site/code.






If you have all the (modified) osCommerce source code from the old site, and you have done a fresh install of osC with the new site, then I'd highly recommend a really good tool for comparing the differences in the code. It is called "Beyond Compare".


That will pick up any changes at all, and give you a good insight into the mods. I'm assuming the programmer made the mods legally though ??




Ok, we own both sites, just that the site which is live (http://www.healthylifepharmacy.com/) was put up by an unscrupulous guy who tailored the site and made it look like all his own work by removing code comments and lisence information.


The style part and right and left hand side isn't the problem, however the two databases are identical and I don't know where I should be looking to reference the content page in the database. Lets just look at the home page:





The text from the first site is already in the second sites database. How do I point to it? Do I look at the configure.php file for anything? Is it hard coded? it doesn't look like it is in index.php in the root.

The best thing about learning is that no-one can take it away from you - B.B.King




The text from the first site is already in the second sites database. How do I point to it? Do I look at the configure.php file for anything? Is it hard coded? it doesn't look like it is in index.php in the root.


If the new site is using the old site database, and you have used a 'fresh' install of osC for the new site, then there is more than just the data in the database that is causing the differences. I would say there are considerable changes made to the PHP files, or some contributions.


Try "Beyond Compare" on the new site/old site files, I'm sure it will pickup lots of differences.




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