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The e-commerce.

New header added...


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When I go into a product and click for a larger picture your header image disappears and part of it appears in the pop up box.


Don't think that should happen, I had this once and it's something to do with the java script.






It seems to be working now, wierd, sorry


It seems like it only does it in IE on the first attempt. When you click again it works fine. It's really odd. I use Mozilla and it works fine all the time. Blah. Not sure what to do about it.


A java class to create a roatating image on an ecommerce site? I don't think a gimmick like that will help sales, it took me 30 seconds to even realise it was changing.


You need a flash movie, it'll be smoother than java.


You don't even need that. Just make it two images with the square image on the right a animated gif. the gray box appearing everytime I move to another page is bad, or when I right click it and it restarts. It hurts the site.



If I was crafty, this would be a funny signature.


I like your logo, the gold lettering looks good, but there's nothing on your front page

that invites me in to buy something from you. You have some unusual and colourful

products but i'm not sure your colour scheme is inviting enough.


I'm not sure about the drop down catagories box either.


Sorry, just my opinion.




I've had a lot of compliments on the color scheme, which is definitely staying - no offense. I've also had a lot of complaints on the categories drop down. I like the way it keeps the page from scrolling too much vertically. This way the page stays the same no matter how many categories I have. Perhaps eventually *if* I have a static inventory and a set number of categories, I'll change it back to the original. For now, my products and categories are constantly changing, so it'll stay.


there's nothing on your front page that invites me in to buy something from you.


No offense but there's nothing on yours that invites me to buy either. Products are a matter of taste.

No offense but there's nothing on yours that invites me to buy either. Products are a matter of taste.

But he is not the one asking for opinions. Why bother posting your site up for opinions if you fight back with these sorts of useless, unneeded and unwarranted comments?


I didn't ask for reviews of my products or color scheme. Just my header. And I'm only responding as to WHY I don't change it. Simple as that. No need to get an attitude. There's none here.


I didn't mean my comments regarding your products to come across the way they obviously have. I understand that products are a matter of taste, sorry if my comments offended you in anyway.


What I mean is, you have some good interesting products, but I think your front page needs to advertise them better in some way.


BTW I do like your header.



This entire thread is about a header, not the entire site.

Why don't you update the old thread then. I'd be interested to know what you've done and whether it has had any effect on the level of sales.


Your experiences might help us other Oscommerce Store Owners, do you think?


I wasn't offended at all. I hope you weren't offended by my comment either. I was only saying that to prove a point.


I'm trying to keep as many graphics off the site as possible for download and bandwidth reasons - and I always seem to equate advertising with graphics - that's why there isn't much "advertising" there. I haven't thought of a good way to make things stand out without having some sort of image, so I simply left that notion out altogether.


You're talking to a guy who still knows very little about PHP and only knows enough html to "beef up" text. I always revert to FrontPage (don't laugh) for things I don't know how to do with pure code. I then copy and paste the code into my osc files. I'm more of a photographer than anything and this entire osc project started out as nothing more than a way to sell picture packages to customers online. It beats the heck out of just a PayPal shopping cart.


I never installed a template system and now that I finally got the PayPal IPN and CCGV working, I shudder at the idea of starting over with BTS or STS, so I'm kinda limited (although learning more every day) as to how much design I can change. I don't feel I can really get rid of any infoboxes - as far as I've noticed so far they're all necessary. I've eliminated the obvious ones - product updates, languages, currencies, etc.


It'll always be a work in progress as I learn more and think of new ideas but right now I'm burnt out. The drop down categories will definitely go once I get static products but as of now I am a seller agent so my stock is nowhere near predictable. It's also hard to build a color scheme when you have no idea what you're going to sell from day to day.


It takes a lot to offend me, so don't worry.


I too am not a programmer and only know very basic PHP. I also use frontpage for my html because i'm far too lazy and busy to start writing code from scratch.

One thing i've found with Frontpage is it's best to control all your text and images by using tables, it's seems to do the trick.


Good luck with your site




I might just change my header back to static and use it only for ebay auctions. Seems to be more hassle than benefit. I just thought it would look cool. :ph34r:


Ok I have a question about the header. How can I make it so that it simply changes with every page load? Instead of doing the rotate? Anyone know what the code looks like for that?


This is some code I used in a site to throw up a random image every load

// This script was supplied free by Hypergurl
// http://www.hypergurl.com
// JavaScript to interpolate random images into a page.
var ic = 4;     // Number of alternative images

var xoxo = new Array(ic);  // Array to hold filenames
xoxo[0] = "construction_5x2.gif";
xoxo[1] = "garden_5x2.gif";
xoxo[2] = "kitchen_5x2.gif";
xoxo[3] = "living_5x2.gif";

function pickRandom(range) {
if (Math.random)
return Math.round(Math.random() * (range-1));
else {
var now = new Date();
return (now.getTime() / 1000) % range;
// Write out an IMG tag, using a randomly-chosen image name.
var choice = pickRandom(ic);
// -->


Then where you want the image to display:

<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
document.writeln('<TD ROWSPAN=1 COLSPAN=6 WIDTH=469 HEIGHT=105><IMG name=homepage8 SRC="'+xoxo[choice]+'" HEIGHT=105 WIDTH=469 BORDER=0><'+'/TD>');

You'll have to edit it obviously but thats how I did it.

If I was crafty, this would be a funny signature.


I've dumped the idea of rotating images for now in favor of a single static header. I don't like the idea of a static header but at least it's universally compatible.


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