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The e-commerce.

edding new pages to the e shop


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i would like to edd new pages to the oscommerce, can any body explain me how to do it.


i would like to edd it to the main menu as well, where do i edite the main menu


thanks ori




thanks for you help,

can you please explain me what can i do with this page, how to work with it.


thanks ori


Hello, first you would need to download the contribution, then install it with your database.....but remember to backup all database before you install any contributions....


good luck :)

OS-commerce is great, but with other magical contributions, that is just so "COOL"!




i feel like i am realy stuped here, for you it seems vry easy but for me for the first time , i dont realy know what to do.


i have some remarks on the Contributions, its not realy clear on the same Contribution if it is an update or another Contribution on the same sobject.


you say to

then install it with your database.....but

there is only an catalog/information.php - php page.


it is not realy clear what i am sepose to do.


thanks ori


Hello, orislasi, can you tell me which version of this contribution do you want to install, so i can start looking it for you on step by step... :)

OS-commerce is great, but with other magical contributions, that is just so "COOL"!




thanks for the help,


http://eshop.mvdiving.nl the e shop vertion is 2.2.


i whant to add pages to the eshop and add the link on the manu at the tup of the site.


i dont new what vertion i of contribution i need, i dont realy understand where to start and what to upgread in the conterution.


thanks ori


...I have a little bit of trouble to understand your english..... ;) :lol: :P



...however, it seems that you only need to add some php pages on your own, and add page links on the main menu bar, right?? Is this what you trying to say?? ;) :huh:

OS-commerce is great, but with other magical contributions, that is just so "COOL"!


I have yet tried to add a new php page...yet, it can be achieved by just editing an existing php page, but it just requires more work than editing an existing page, perhaps, the best way now for you is to find if there is any contributions which can allow you to create new php pages from admin controll, if not the last step is modifing an existing page along creating other files and editings! ;) :)

OS-commerce is great, but with other magical contributions, that is just so "COOL"!




yes that what i am looking for, to add php pages and to put there information.


i was looking for somthing in the contributions and couldnt find it.


the best way is to have on the admin away to creat new pages and to edit them with putting there information.


i dont mind doing somthing like that but i will need somebody to gide me here.


thanks ori


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