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URGENT: Free Gift with minimum order of 300$


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sorry for posting again. its been a week. no idea what to do. i want to offer a free product(not in catalog or if needed i can add it too) if a customer orders over 300 dollars. i know ppl are using it so plz help. in contribution i didnt find any thing.




Well I've never tried but this has been asked before. Just a quick theory on how it maybe, possibly, could be done ...


- Add free item (with a price, let's say $5.00 for the example)


- if statement in order_total ... IF order_total > 300.00 and cartcontents contain free_gift_item subtract $5.00


You will of course need to know some PHP to write that or get someone who can.


You will of course need to know some PHP to write that or get someone who can.


hmm...lets traid some brains..:P i m new to php. i event dont know where and whoch file 2 change. i m just lazy today to pke my nose.


any luck?


I don't have the time to attack that one Dan. If no one has done it yet, perhaps you can find someone who can refer to the 'Free Shipping with Minimum Amount' mod and modify it for your needs.


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