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Drop DOwn Menu in Infobox


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I would like to add a drop down select menu onto this site:


OHM Health Care


I have placed the new Info Box into the left hand column called 'Health Search' and all i need now is the menu.


I need the menu to look like this one:


HIMALAYA Health Care


Where it say's 'Health Help' i need this drop down menu and I am going to add links to different pages of the site, please could someone show me how to do this as I need to have it doen for Friday! :huh:


I really need this answering pelase can someone at least help me with how to place a Drop down menu into here!




Is it possible to display product's options not in a drop down menu, but somehting like this:



Hard Drive 60gb --> $99 (box here to pick a quantity) (box here to add to shp cart)

Hard Drive 80gb --->$129 (box here to pick a quantity) (box here to add to shp cart)


instead of drop down meny to choose the sizes.




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