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PSiGate Pre-Auth & Post-Auth?

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Hi there,


With reference to the PSiGate module, when I install the module and configure it through the admin section, there are three options under Transaction Type:






I'm awaiting approval with PSiGate, so I haven't received any documentation back from them yet.


However, I'd like to know what pre-auth and post-auth means.


Are these facilities to allow for a delay in the transaction, so that an order can be shipped before charging the customers credit card, or am I way off?


Here's how I think it goes: a customer places a credit card order, and osCommerce app talks to PSiGate to pre-auth will authorize the sale, the merchant then ships the sale and sets the order status to delivered, then the merchant post-auth's the sale, which then automatically talks to PSiGate to post-auth the sale, which does the job of transferring the funds.


Is this correct?


Many thanks,

[email protected] :blink:


This should help


Credit Card Transaction Types

These are the credit card transaction types:



Chargetype = 0 (Sale)?charges the credit card immediately. This is used when you authorize and confirm the shipment of products

electronically. Otherwise, credit card Companies require that you pre-authorize (reserve the funds) on the credit card until the product(s) has

been shipped.



Chargetype = 1 (Preauth - Default)?reserves the funds on a credit card. This flag should be used when selling goods that must be physically

shipped (hardgoods). Credit card networks reserve the funds for varying amounts of time, ranging from three days to several months.




Chargetype = 2 (Postauth)?also known as a deposit, takes the reference number from the Chargetype_Preauth and actually charges the

credit card based on the funds that were held. If you try to charge a greater amount, the security department of the credit card network may

contact you regarding potential fraud.



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