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Q: How can I pass array variables


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I want to pass an array including values to another part of the php-script.



e.g. $selected_files = { 12 2 4 5}


After defining the variable, I intend to pass it as a hidden field of a form.



  echo tep_draw_hidden_field('check_files', $HTTP_POST_VARS['selected_files']);  



Afterwards, I tried to read it on the other part with it values


       $selected_files = $HTTP_GET_VARS['check_files'];    



However, I faild with that attemp. What is the correct way of passing arrays? :blink:


i think you have to get an array first


to set an array use




then to add stuff to an array use




to get the numbers out use


Foreach($variable_array_name as $name) { echo $name; }


i think to pass it use


echo tep_draw_hidden_field('check_files', $variable_array_name[]);


try that

hope it works!

always here to offer some useless advice....


thx, for the guide. Unfortunately, it is not working :(


For testing purpose I defined:




echo tep_draw_hidden_field('check_files', $variable_array_name[]);


after passing, I tried to get the value back without luck:


$selected_files = $HTTP_POST_VARS['check_files'][1];
         echo 'huhu12 - ' . $selected_files[12];



Maybe you know what's wrong again?


Instead of passing it as a hidden field can you register the variable into the session id?


I think the code is:




It will store the variable in the session table like the customer's shopping cart content, current currency, language, etc is stored. The variable will be stored as long as the session ID is still in the address line and the session didn't expire.


I'm not sure how this works when cookies are being used. But Hopefully ALL the detail in the session table is instead on a client-side cookie without you having to code any extra.



you can't pass array as array, but use php behavior who reconstruct array.


for this, one method could be:


//the array



//to pass the variables, note the [] after you variable name

Foreach($variable_array_name as $name)

echo tep_draw_hidden_field('check_files[]', $name);


//then, in your receiving script,



and you have recreate the array from the precedent page


Hope it helps


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