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The e-commerce.

Adding product number to packing slip


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My site works like this.


When a customer buys a product from me. Then I order it from my wholesaler.

When I order something from my wholesaler I use product numbers instead of product names. So as it is now I only get the productname when someone buys something, and then I have to look up what productnumber that is. Painfully!


What I want is to have the option to ad a product number when I ad a product to the store in admin. Or is it maybe simplier to change model to Product number instead, since I dont use that normally.


Please help me out if someone knows how to solve this problem.


Or does anyone know how to change model to productnumber?


/ Zuncan

So what?! Who care in a hundred years anyway?


Maybe not fancy but I put the product number in the product name as

in XX00 to XX00 Product 1 and XX01 to XX01 Product 2


Reason i did it that way was that it will sort alfabettically and I wanted to have it according to my product numbers. This way it is the way i want it and it comes on the invoice so the customer also can tell the product number, it is on the packaging slip etc.








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