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IIS&OSC + SSL + Special Day


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* I want to use OSC with PHP, IIS5(win2k) and MySql. What are the processes to install and up running with a total security?


* How to enable SSL in IIS(win2k) ? How can be the admin page secured for denying unauthorized access?


* I want to add some special day offers in my index page(e.g. mother's day, father's day etc). HOw can i do that?


* I want to use OSC with PHP, IIS5(win2k) and MySql. What are the processes to install and up running with a total security?


yes u can. if u wanna host by ur self.

download php 4.3 version. from www.php.net

run windows binary with installer.

v simple to isntall



install it. run it.

then open c:/mysql/bin(i guess its the folder)

then dowble click windqladmin

very self explanatory


IIS, comes with windows cd, put cd in and add additional stuff.


* How to enable SSL in IIS(win2k) ? How can be the admin page secured for denying unauthorized access?


u have to buy a ssl certificate from sites like verisign.com, geotrust.com or freessl.com

they tell u how to do that. not hard.

* I want to add some special day offers in my index page(e.g. mother's day, father's day etc). HOw can i do that?


u can add plain html in this file

catalog/includes/languages/english/index.php under define text_info....

look for info thats already there. put plain html.


or use a contribution like STS template system(search in contributions section) and customize ur site.


* That's really good help for the Apache users, Thanks very much but, I use IIS.

I find IIS as the enemy to OSc :( . There is no security option enabled in IIS and

no chmod .


* My admin has module section but it is only showing the path to module. no module is available for installing. I need to add payment and other modules. what whould I do to get that nut ?


* When i click the "FIle manager" in the admin area, then the warning! is displayed-

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in c:\inetpub\wwwroot\bdnewmarket\catadmn\file_manager.php on line 179

What should I do now?


TOO MANY... :) .


Actually, with the exception of the comment about .htaccess, the instructions for what you want were very good.


I had one test set up as you are trying to do, it worked okay, but dropped it in favor of Apache as all the production sites I do run on Linux and Apache.


Protect your files by right clicking and marking read only. If you feel that IIS is not good enough, why are you installing it? Get an Apache for windows binary install. Help at www.apache.org

GEOTEX from Houston, TX




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