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Can't get to Catalog or Aminitration Tool


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Can't get to Catalog or Aminitration Tool after installation step 7


Received the followng message when Catalog or Asministration Tool is selected:


"Unable to connect to database server!"



My databese servre is set at localhost


MY web hosting is http://www.globat.com


Web Server Server version: Apache/1.3.29


(Unix) Server built: Nov 11 2003 16:53:18


PHP 4.3.4 MySQL 4.0.13




you have something wrong in your configure.php files and/or your database did not get populated from the oscommerce.sql file, so you need to check that with phpmyadmin, etc.


I have checked the Php myAdmin


The database have been populated.

Howere, there is an error message:



"The additional Features for working with linked Tables have been deactivated. "


Database running on localhost


"PMA Database ... not OK

General relation features Disabled "


I'm having a similar problem. I can get to the catalog (that shows 1 warning see below), but not the admin area. I get the same error msg: "Unable to connect to database server!"


During the install, it tested the database connection and said it was able to connect... I've checked my config file and all connection vars appear to have the proper values.


Also, on the catalog I'm getting?"Warning: I am able to write to the configuration file: /catalog/includes/configure.php. This is a potential security risk - please set the right user permissions on this file."


I've done a chmod 444 on the file. Any help/thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.


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